Sunday, March 4, 2012

A "Release" of sorts

Ah, been quiet lately. Sometimes, I just don't have words. I think that makes me a less-than-stellar blogger, but fortunately, I've got an amazing partner to help bridge my silent moments with her terrific projects.

Do you ever get stuck in a rut of little to no inspiration? Doing orders, or sewing for other people - can become dull and methodical. Sometimes I need a release - something that's inspiring to me and something that makes me smile just because... it makes me smile. Something that has no purpose other than to make you smile when you look at it.

Rain is my everyday inspiration. I feel freedom in the rain. It's like the sky holds back all its emotions until it just can't handle them and then it bursts. It's a release. I feel its freedom when it falls.

Thus, this mini was born. It celebrates the rain. It displays the color and joy I personally feel when the sky falls. It measures up at 19"x15", and will be adorning my gray, gray cubicle at work come Monday morning. It has no real purpose other than to make me smile.

The girl.. well, she feels the freedom I feel. Umbrella down, face to the sky - she comes alive and bursts with color and a contented happiness as the rain comes down on her. She makes me smile.

I'm linking her up to the Modern Mini Challenge at Ellison Lane Quilts. Maybe she can make someone else smile. :)

Modern Mini Challenge


Mina said...

It makes me smile!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

she's so pretty. I really want her rain boots. and her skirt... and her umbrella...
I love the swirly quilting in the clouds too.
Glad you got some happy sewing in. I have a few people asking for custom orders right now, and I'm so hesitant!

purduepam said...

I love how she appears to be facing the wind. Made me smile too.

bozi said...

awesome !!!:D


Love the rainbow rain drops. I agree with you about rain being inspirational I love to stand with the back door open or at an open window and watch and listen. Puddles are good for jumping in too :)

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

Oh I just love her- love the burst of color, love your FMQing. Awesome entry. Thanks for entering the challenge. Good luck!

lilbunnymama said...

I love and adore this. It was exactly what I needed to see tonight. Thank you do much for sharing. I feel sheer bliss and like inspiration is pouring down from the sky and running down my face!

Gemini Jen NZ said...

Great work! I love the way the quilting looks like sketching/drawing! I too love the rain - especially when it comes from nowhere on a lazy summer day - refreshes everything!

Unknown said...

Love how you can put your thoughts into works of art!! She is lovely and whimsical.

Simone de Klerk said...

Such sweetness! Very very original. Love it!

Al said...

I adore this.

felicity said...

I absolutely adore this mini, and your words to describe it. I live in a rainy place but I never get tired of the rain. I can imagine how bright this beautiful quiltie is going to make your work space. Well done!

Heidi Grohs said...

I just love it...but you already knew that ;)!

Lynne said...

I love your quilt and I love your response to rain! So positive!

BTW, in case you're wondering what's happening...I finally have moved back into the 21st century with a new ISP and am catching up with your blog from 1 March forward!

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