Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Playing with the Embroidery Machine Again

When I bought my embroidery machine I did it with the intention of making things to sell and trying to earn a little money to help the husband pay the bills. I had ideas in my head that I was going to build a customer base of people who wanted things monogrammed and such. I had no idea what the world of machine embroidery had in store for me though!

I discovered "in the hoop" designs pretty fast and fell completely and utterly in love with this style of machine embroidery. Actually making items in the embroidery hoop? What's not to love about that?

I have been doing some small things here and there, and some of them without very great results. The embroidery machine just can't do some things and the finishing of some of the items left a lot to be desired. But after joining a group on Facebook, I was opened up to a lot of new stuff and have just taken off and run with it!

In keeping up with the "make and sell things at a craft show" goal I have set for myself this year, I have begun to create stock so that when one pops up, I'll be ready!

Here are a few of the things I have started making...


These have been fun to play with! I backed them in craft foam so they're nice and sturdy and lock together really well. A bit of no fray on the edges and we're in business! I'm going to experiment with magnet sheets too for these, once I figure out where to buy some.

Lace Masks

That blue one still needs to be stitched together, but there are so many options for these that I don't even know where to start! I can leave as is and attach some ribbon and call it a day, or embellish them with feathers and rhinestones, the possibilities are endless. I have more than one mask design to play with too and am really excited about them. I think these and the other kid type masks will do really well if I can score a craft show before Halloween.

And this little gem, my favorite so far, Raggedy Ann

Yes my friends, she was made on the embroidery machine. Well, parts of her anyway. There was some hand sewing involved too, and a little bit of machine sewing for her dress. She is going to have some upgrades the next go 'round but I am totally smitten with her right now. 

And in case you were worried about whether I've given up sewing, never fear, I'm in the middle of testing the newest pattern too.

I also have plans for a tutorial for that hipster bag I'm making for my niece in the near future, once I finish the prototype, and have also started a new quilt that I am super excited about and can't wait to show you!


beaquilter said...

those puzzles are SEW cool and raggedy ann too..... you inspired me to embroider more too, I did win a nice CD set for it with lots of quilt patches, just need to DO it :-)

Lorna McMahon said...

Glad to hear you are still 'at it', Julie! I just adore that little rag doll. She is a sweetie! Looking forward to seeing her upgrades!


Karen said...

Oh my Julie!? Yay! I love these projects so much, sure they will be great show sellers. The doll is precious ;)

Melinda said...

What great ideas! Those masks would go over well at the Renaissance Festival they have in Atlanta!

katie@stvital said...

I LOVE the masks!! And you can not go wrong with Raggedy Anne :)

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