I'm a huge Riley Blake fan. My Haunted House Quilt is comprised of mostly Riley Blake's Boo To You collection - probably my favorite Halloween collection to date.
I learned this morning that they're hosting a contest, and it's currently in the quilt phase. OMGEEE! That means I need to get my butt a-moving on my haunted house quilt to enter, right? I'm kicking all folks out of my house tonight to baste. They're either getting locked in their respective bedrooms or sent to the park, because I need to move my couch to baste, lol.
The prizes on this one are pretty cool. The grand prize for each category is a rad beach cruiser, and the overall grand prize is a cruise. What?! Is it bad that I'm hoping for second prize just for all the fabric? Haha.
Check out the deets here:

I would have been surprised if you didn't have your eye on the fabric prize! Good luck, can't wait to see the quilt finished!
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