Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WIP Wednesday-The One Where I'm Gittin' 'er Done

Remember this list from about a month ago?

Well, check this out...

Cosmic Burst Quilt Along-DONE
Peak Hour Baby quilt for husband's boss-DONE
Prince Charming project-DONE
Neptune Wall Hanging-DONE
Hideaway Off the Rail quilt-DONE
Prince Charming baby quilt (wasn't on the list because it was secret!)-DONE

What's left of my WIP list:

Castle Peeps wedge quilt-top done, need to ponder borders and backing
Prince Charming quilt-3 blocks down, many more to go
Central Park DWR-Arcs pieced, melons attached, one block down!
Farmer's Wife-taking a breather

Totally awesome, right? I promise I'm not trying to be a show off, I was so close to done with so many of these that I just started pushing through to finish them up. And well, once I got on a roll that was it.

So do you want to see a couple of pictures?

Here's the one lone block I have done of the DWR. It is crazy wavy and I would be lying if I said I didn't get discouraged after piecing it together. I was super excited that I actually made one, but there's no way I could continue on without figuring out where I went wrong.

I got some advice from someone who has made one and I'm ready to move on and try to tackle it again! This is the only one of my current WIPs that I've made progress on, other than all of the finishes. 

I did start something new last week and I'm super excited about it! Here's a teeny little sneak peek.

That's all you get for now but I'm ready to start trucking on it so hopefully you won't have to wait too long to see more.

And let me just say how much I love my husband. I had to create my own template for the drunkard's path block because I needed not only a certain size, but I needed the top piece to be thinner than the normal drunkard's path block is. And well, who likes using paper templates? I do have template plastic, but those are a pain too.

Anyway, I had read somewhere that you can buy acrylic sheets at Lowe's so I asked him if I were to buy the sheet and draw the template, could he cut it out for me at work? He's a cabinet builder by the way. He said of course!

So now I have my own acrylic templates!

There was a teeny boo boo and he accidentally chipped the corner but I can totally live with that. The acrylic sheet was only $2 for an 8"x10" piece, and I have quite a bit leftover. I'm definitely going to be making acrylic templates in the future, I mean, I would pay that much for template plastic anyway, right?

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


Al said...

So in awe of you and your curved piecing. And your super finishes!

Lisbeth said...

Oooohhhh....that sneak peak looks intriguing - can't wait to see more!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Já experimentou de acetato?É uma grande placa com oito peças juntas,você risca nas canalhetas,e depois corta,não tem desperdícios e ainda rende quatro peças por vez em tecido único,eu consigo cortar com tesoura quatro camadas de tecido,que me dá 16 peças,e ainda com margem de costura,é tudo de bom.Se for costurar a mão é o mesmo processo no papel.tradutor português do Brasil.

Four dogs and one quilter said...

DWR is on my bucket list. What did your DH use to cut the plexiglass with? Would love to make my own templates. Love your Hideaway Off the Rails.

Anonymous said...

Your husband rocks! How cool is that. Can't wait to see more of your quilt.

Bethany (Make Me A Quilt) said...

I am always so impressed when I see people sewing curves into their quilts, that looks really interesting! It's a goal of mine to do something with curves this summer!

CapitolaQuilter said...

Well isn't he handy. Nice to have templates just the way you want them. So many project done - congrats.

Lynne said...

Great idea! And congratulations on achieving so much from your list.

Pieces to Love said...

You've got a super hubby. Can't wait to see your finished projects.

Heidi Grohs said...

Didn't we talk about showing off already? Do we need to revisit it?

Umm...can we hire the hubby in the near future?!?!?

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