Monday, May 23, 2011

Giveaway Day is here! (Giveaway is now closed)

Giveaway is now closed, I'll be announcing the winner in just a bit!

Welcome to Distant Pickles!

If this is your first time here then welcome, glad to meet you!

If you've been here before then hello friend, good to see you again!

In a comment on one of the posts last week I was asked about our blog name. I realized then that Bree and I have never explained how we know each other or how our little blog came to be!

I figured now would be a great day to tell everybody since we'll hopefully make lots of new friends today :)

Well, I started to type out the whole long story but then realized, y'all are here for a giveaway! So I'm going to just get to the key points. 

We met in an online community for women who were pregnant and expecting in September of 2008. We've maintained a friendship through our pregnancies and over the past 2 and a half years of our toddler's lives. Coincidentally, we gave birth on the same day so our toddlers share a birthday!

We chat online daily and via email. We discovered that we both shared a love of sewing and quilting and general craftiness and she asked me one day if I would like to do a blog with her, and of course I said yes! 

When trying to come up with a name, we asked a lot of our other "friends-in-a-box" for suggestions but Bree ultimately came up with Distant Pickles. Her reasoning? We met when we were pregnant and pregnant women like pickles, and because we are distant from each other, physically of course. She lives two states away.

So Distant Pickles was born!

One day we hope to be Not so Distant Pickles. That's right, we've never actually met. Don't worry, when we do you guys will be one of the first to know!

Now for the giveaway, because that's what you're all here for right? 

Today I have up for grabs

A Sunkissed charm pack!

Because it's Spring and what says Spring better than Sunkissed?

I'm also throwing in a handmade goodie to be named at a later date because, well, I lost my sew-jo these past couple of weeks and I'm a little bit behind on finishing it up.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment! I'm not going to make you jump through any hoops. I won't make you become a follower. I won't even make you blog or tweet or post on Facebook about this. 

I have hopes that you'll take a look around while you're here and if you like what you see, then you'll click on that "Follow" button over there :)

So leave us a comment, but make it a good one. Tell me a joke, or your "how I met so and so" story. Or give me a good recipe, my dinner menu has been sorely lacking lately.

I'll leave the giveaway open until 11:59 PM Eastern time on May 25th. If I'm still awake at midnight then I'll draw a winner then via If I'm lucky enough to get the toddler in bed at a decent hour then I'll draw when I wake up on the 26th ;) International visitors are welcome to enter too!

Please make sure to leave me a way to contact you. If you are a no-reply blogger then leave your email address in your comment please.

Good luck!!


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Melanie said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

I met my husband at a party my cousin was throwing when I was a senior in high school. Two months later he asked me to his prom and the rest is history!

FabricDonkey said...

Awww, two of my most favorite people. :) I love your blog and I credit it and the two of you for my ability to sew now. You have both encouraged me every step of the way and taught me so much.

Something funny? My daughter *still* says "fukit" when saying "fabric".

Heather Medeiros said...

Hi Ladies!! Love the blog :)
I am not sure what to post, so I will just tell you the highlight of my day--
Today my 1 1/2 year old was trying to steal his 2 1/2 year old sisters thing I know I hear her saying "Swiper no swiping, swiper no swiping!!" I just about died laughing!

Lynne said...

I did wonder how you came up with the name - and now I know!

The fabric looks very pretty.

My husband and I were in the same kindergarten class (that's the first year of primary school here). His one-year-younger sister was one of my friends in late primary school and early high school. I started part-time work at the local supermarket; four weeks later he started. On his first day, the cashier at the checkout on which I was packing the customer's groceries, dropped a jar of honey which he had to clean up - he maintains to this day that it was me who dropped it! He pursued me but I wasn't interested. My mum told him, "Good men always win in the end". I guess she was right - we were married in 1977!

Sasha said...

Stunning fabric.
As for the dinner recipe, I have a store cupboard/freezer recipe we love.

Sausage and bean Stew
Brown a pack of sausages (they don't need to be cooked through, they just need a bit of colour.
Add a tin of chopped tomatoes, a tin of baked beans and a couple of tins of plain beans (pinto and butterbeans are our favourites) and a packet of mexican seasoning (Fajita/burrito etc)
Put in the oven at 190C for 45mins and serve hot with some crunchy bread. Yum

amy said...

Nice giveaway! Hmm, I met my awesome boyfriend almost 2 yrs ago at the end of a really, really bad day spent in court...I picked him up in a bar (eek!) LOL!

Niina said...

Read this from my friend's Facebook- page...
6- year old daughter: When am I going to be a mommy?
Friend: Errrrr *awkwardness*
6- year old: Probably when I have a child.

Sydney said...

I commented in the wrong area! Thank you for the opportunity to win. Head over to Tammy's Recipes for tons of inspiration on the meal making dilemma (I don't personally know her but use her recipes all of the time). The only problem you will have is choosing which recipe to make! :)

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Yummy, I love Sunkissed! Great giveaway! As for a good recipe, here's a super easy chicken recipe...

Brown Sugar Barbecued Chicken
adapted from Everyday Food

2 cups ketchup
1 cup packed light brown sugar
2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp cider vinegar
Coarse salt and pepper
6 pounds chicken drumettes, patted dry

1. In a medium bowl, whisk together ketchup, brown sugar, worcestershire sauce, and cider vinegar. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside 1 cup of sauce for tossing raw chicken; use the rest for baked chicken.
2. Preheat oven to 450 degrees, with racks in the upper and lower thirds. Line two rimmed baking sheets with aluminum foil.
3. Toss chicken drumettes with reserved 1 cup of sauce and divide among baking sheets.
4. Bake chicken until opaque throughout, 30-35 minutes, rotating sheets halfway through. Toss baked chicken with 1/2 cup of reserved sauce and serve the remaining alongside chicken.

Melinda said...

My hubbie and I dated the end of my senior year in high school and my first year of college. I didn't want to get serious so I broke up with him. We didn't see each other for 9 years! I ran into him at the hospital where he worked while I was doing an internship. A year and a half later, we were married!

Gill said...

Sunkissed is my favourite line at the moment!
Have you discovered Sue at - she has great recipes etc as well as a view of her quince tree each month!!

Laura said...

I love your story - so cute! I met my husband on the internet via ... amazing relationships and friendships can bloom. I hope you guys get to meet one day, but then you may have to change your blog name?? .... Once upon a distant pickle??? ;-)

Love your blog, thanks for the giveaway. I hope you get many visitors to come to your blog! =)

Anonymous said...

Pick me pick me!

My sweetie and I are high school sweethearts. We have now been married for almost 13 years, and have 3 kids. Nothing exciting. But, my parents were also high school sweethearts with 3 kids, and their 40th anniversary is this year.


btsoi. said...

My husband and I met in physics class in first year uni. He sat behind me and wouldn't stop giving me answers to the crossword puzzle I was doing... a little while later, we were doing the puzzles together.

Catherine said...

Pretty fabric!
My husband and I met in ninth grade. He 'asked me out' on a note at the end of our history exam on the last day of school that year. 12 years later and we've been together ever since. Married on NYE 5 years ago and now have 2 little boys to chase after. :)

Cindy said...

Hi Ladies. Your blog has jumped up several times recently in my online surfing and it always makes me happy.

Humm....a name. How did I name my blog? I wanted it to be a happy place, so I joined together two things that make me happies. Quilting and Fluffy Sheep. You can't go wrong :)

Debbie B Sam said...

Thanks for the chance! What a great story, and I'm really glad you posted it because, first time visitor and thought it was a great name :)

Anonymous said...

Here is the easiest recipe ever

1 Beef roast (any kind)
1 jar of peppers (any kind-I like banana peppers)

Cut the roast in cubes and place in crock pot.
Dump in jar of peppers liquid and all.

Quilt all day then pull meat apart and make hot roast beef sandwhiches, or serve or rice...however you like it!!!


Loralynn said...

Lovely fabric! Back in the 80's, while on my honeymoon, I got to ride up an elevator with William Katt who played the main character in the show The Greatest American Hero. I was too shy to speak to him...but he struck up a conversation with me! He was very nice!

Kelly said...

My blog name is the nickname my Dad gave me when I was little. thanks for the chance to win.

Stephanie said...

Sunkissed is definitely pretty!

I met my husband in high school PE. I needed someone who was as non-athletic as me to hang out with during class and he fit the bill ;)

(and just in case, email is

Deanna said...

10-Minute Black Bean Soup

2 cans black beans, drained
1 cup salsa
1 1/2 cup broth (vegetable or chicken)
1 tsp cumin

Put it all in a blender or food processer and puree. Pour into saucepan and heat. Serve with shredded cheese, sour cream & tortilla chips.

Thanks for the give-away!! =)

Amy said...

Last week on the way to my 4yo annual visit she says...Mama you know when someone dies the doctor cuts out their heart and plants it someone else and sometimes it's a kid?
Me: Ummm, you know you're just going to the doctor for a check up, right?
4 year old: I know Mama. I'm just telling you.
---This one keeps me on my toes. Thanks for the giveaway!

Laura said...

I <3 Sunkissed! Thanks for the giveaway.

I wish I had a fun "How We Met" story, but I don't... he was a friend of a friend in college.

Joy said...

Hmm. I was going to let Marcus type you a message, but he's too engrossed in George right now. So... I also met my husband online. But we've actually met. ;)

Leanne said...

I enjoy following your blog and the fact that there are two of you makes it even better! I am out of stories at the moment, I have to confess that my favourite quick recipe is "reservations".

MooBear Designs said...

Great giveaway... loving all these blogs and I am digging your blog name hehe... I don't have a recipe as my husband does all the awesome South American dishes we eat!! You can check out 'Carlos' Famous Chicken Soup' here

xo Steph

Melissa said...

Please pick me! My friend and I started the blog: Love Affair With My Brother - I guess you could say we cheat on our husbands with our sewing machines :) Thank you!

Jingle said...

Well, THAT is just a great story and your blog is super cute! I really love the name! Very fun! Let's see...when my husband and I met we absolutely HATED each other. No...really. He tried to chase me down with a drill once. Which is why his mom was a bit confused when he called to let her know he was planning to propose! HA! Ten years later...seems like we made the right choice! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Nicole said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I met my husband right after a horrible Homecoming dance senior year. He was visiting his cousin, whose house I was hanging out at after the dance. We started IMing the next week (he lived an hour away), and the rest is history. (can't believe that was almost 12 years ago...)

Ladybug said...

I can totally understand not being able to get anything done. Some day a swear I have ADD that only acts up when I'm in my sewing room.

PersimonDreams said...

my favorite joke of all time:

An Invisible Man Went to the Doctor,
The doctor said, "I can't see you".


jane p said...

Hi Julie. It's nice to know you. I like your blog name. It's intriguing.

Sarah said...

Love your blog. Thanks for not making us jump through hoops. :)

Christie S. said...

Would love to win your charm pack.

Tracey said...

If you ask me to say something funny I would have to quote my adorable two year old.
2 year old: Mummy what you doing? Are you cooking?
Me: Yes I'm cooking, do you want to cook in your kitchen too?
2 year old: There's no point, its only a toy
Me: (stopped cooking and hugged 2 year old)

Great blog and great name.

Amy said...

My husband and I met across the street the day before I graduate college. Thanks for the chance to win :)

OzKnitter said...

As it's almost winter here, I'm loving this risotto recipe

I toss in whatever veggies I have handy, it's always yummy.

Jenny said...

OH I LOVE how you two met! I have a good friend I met at a support group at the hospital after our daughters were born! such a connection these babies make for us, huh?
anyway, i made best friends with my steady forever best friend 29 years ago...we were in 3rd grade, in the bathroom, and very diplomatically decided we would be best friends, and we still are today!

HoneySage said...

This is a stand by recipe for my kitchen. My family loves it.

I hope your's will, too. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jenn said...

Awesome giveaway. And if you like easy desserts:

Just One More Thing said...

How to make a great giveaway: 1. give fabric -- check 2. include a handmade surprise -- check 3. Pick my comment -- check???

I met my husband when he was in 4th grade -- he threw a rock at me -- brat!! Then years later I met him again and reminded him of his bad behavior -- and he has been making up for it ever since.

Anne said...

I'm not going to give you a recipe but suggest a book. It's called Slow Cooker Revolution by America's Test Kitchen. It's fabulous! I bought it when it came out and so far at least 10 of my friends have all purchased it. Mouth watering Ribs, delicious meat loaf and a to die for Nutella Bread Pudding. Seriously the book is cheap off of Amazon.

Jessie said...

I made these cookies last night and they are TO DIE FOR. Of course, Smitten Kitchen is one of the finest food blogs around:

two hippos said...

thanks for the giveaway! Having not met my partner yet, I lack a good meeting story. I will, however, recommend a great novel: The 1000 Autumns of Jacob de Zoet.

Kathy H said...

Thanks for the chance in your giveaway. My favorite recipe for poppyseed chicken.
2 pounds of chicken breast, cook them and break into bite size pieces. Mix 8 oz sour cream and 1 can cream of chicken soup (I use the low or no fat on both of these).Add chicken pieces and place into square baking pan. Melt 1 stick of margarine or butter and crush 1 tube of ritz crakers and 1 tablespoon of poppyseed into the melted butter mix. spoon it onto the top of the chicken mix. bake at 350 for about 30 to 45 minutes. Feeds about 5 people and is great for a party.

Sonya said...

Love your "how you met" story! I met my husband when I was struggling to carry pieces of a loft bed up two set of stairs (he volunteered to help).

hueisei said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I like to read blogs because of a good picture, nice tutorial, interesting contents, i loves
sewing blogs :)
I'm not good in joke ^^
But i can type this smiley icons to cheer you up

Pieces to Love said...

I loved reading all the stories and recipes, now I'm hungry.

I met my husband through a Christian singles website back in 2002. After several emails and phone calls he wanted to take me out to dinner for my birthday so I let him. He says it was the worst first date ever. He has acid reflux and it flares up really bad when he is nervous. We talked everyday on the phone from that night on. In 2004 on Valentine's day he asked me to marry him. We will be celebrating our 7th anniversary this Sept 18th. My email is on my blog

Karen said...

Love the name of your blog! Where did you come up with it? Your blog is lovely and I am a follower!
I met my husband at church and for our first date, we babysat! It was fun though:)

Em said...

Super easy, well-rounded dinner: chicken quesadillas.

Turn a large pan on medium.
Put a couple corn tortillas in the pan (you could use flour, too)
Sprinkle shredded cheese over the entire tortilla.
Add cooked chicken, and cooked veggies (green pepper, onion, mushrooms)
When the cheese melts and the bottom of the tortilla starts to brown, fold it in half
Repeat until you have as many quesadillas as you and your family can eat.

MamaPPod said...

I met two of my children at an orphanage in Ethiopia. While it wasn't love at first was love in the making. The rest of them I met either in hospital or at home, depending upon who was born where.

mooncalf said...

ooh a surprise mystery giveaway! I like the hint of mystery...

Make Me Over said...

It's not a joke, a recipe, a story or anything profound - I just wanted to say I love the name & now I'm going to follow you :)

Leigh said...

I met my husband at our food court job in college. He saw my name on the schedule and thought it said Leia- Being a huge Star Wars nerd, he decided he wanted to meet me. :)

Jessy said...

Love sunkissed! I'm pretty sure this doesn't fall into the "good recipe" category, but it's interesting (and a little gross.) I went to a tupperware party a couple of weeks ago, and the consultant told us that there is a certain large bowl type container you can buy that if you mix together any box of cake mix and any can of pop, stick it in the bowl and microwave it on high for 6 minutes and medium for 6 minutes it makes an actual cake. I'm not sure if I should be impressed by that but it makes me want to try it.

Michelle from Sew Shellz said...

New fan/follower. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Jennifer said...

Yay, I love Sunkissed!

Quilt Genius said...

How I husband

I am from Louisiana. I lived in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit. Like the smart girl that I am, when they said "mandatory evacuation", I packed a weekend bag, waited in line to fill up my truck and spent about 7 hours making the normally 4 hour drive to my mom's house.

After the levees broke, I discovered that I no longer had a job or an apartment (not to mention my stuff). I went looking for a job in Baton Rouge in my sweat pants and flip flops (because that was all that I had).

There were no programmer jobs to be had, but a company called IEM said they would hire me as a contractor if I was willing to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. I, of course, said yes. I was desperate for a job to pay my bills. They sent me to work as a glorified secretary in the FEMA field office.

While working in the FEMA field office (where I met many great people and am still friends with some today), I met a firefighter who was sent down from Columbus, OH to work with FEMA.

2 and a half years later, he and I were married on the Steamboat Natchez in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Me being me, I wore a red ball gown. It was Mardi Gras, after all. :)


Lisa said...

New follower here! I'm terrible at jokes. However I have a 10 year old daughter who always cracks us up. We live where the 17-year cicadas have all come out and are making a nuisance of themselves. They swarm around looking for mates and then die. They are also very loud, but only the males chirp. The other day they were exceptionally loud and my daughter says "I guess they are all out looking for the ladies!" We all cracked up!

Rebecca said...

I love the story behind your blog name! The sunkissed charm pack is so pretty. It would make lovely patchwork skirts for my girlies and maybe a bow tie for my son.

My go to for dinners is the crock pot, love love love it. But I also like making homemade pizza using this dough recipe It's been a hit with everyone who has tried it. Costs less than ordering out too.

Thank you for the chance to win!
searchingoutsimple at comcast dot net

Unknown said...

Hmm. not alot of jokes over here right now, but, this morning I very nearly yelled at my 2 year old for saying 'butthole' again and again in an increasingly more annoyed voice... then i realized he was trying to unbuckle his seatbelt... and was (hjopefully) trying to say buckle...

Shannon said...

I met my best friend in 6th grade, but we realized after we became friends that we had been playing with the same group of kids on the playground, at the same slumber parties, and in the same elective classes since 1st grade, without ever remembering each other.I'm glad we finally figured it out!

Sangeetha said...

thanks for sponsoring - I hope to win

The Feisty Redhead said...

Here's a good salad recipe for you: spring mix greens, dried cranberries, almonds, carrots.

For the dressing: olive oil, white wine vinegar, and mustard.

I swear by it, and it's so easy to throw together!

Amber H. said...

Well, I met my husband in a chatroom back in 2002, and we met in person in 2003. I know that meeting one's spouse is now common, but I did it back when it was still weird and creepy to do that! I was even brave enough to fly cross country 2 days after turning 18 all by myself to meet him! I know that's super dangerous, but at least I'm alive writing this comment, haha!

My bestie Katie and I met in 7th grade at the lunch table. It's been 14 years now that we've been friends!

Anonymous said...

Awesome fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

commonthreads at me dot com

Bree said...

You confused me, I was trying to figure out how you were going to explain how you & I met since I don't know you! But then I realized I'm not the only Bree in this world, just one of the (awesome) few. :)

Stephanie Granite said...

I was drawn to your blog because of it's name, so how perfect is it that you chose to explain the origins behind it on giveaway day! For my "how I met..." story, I met my husband at college. A group of girls I lived with in the dorms were paired with a group of guys in a different dorm and we chatted back and forth on a discussion board before we even met. After laughing at the jokes one of the guys was making I commented to a friend that "this is the guy I'm going to marry". Well the first day we go to meet all of the guys on our brother floor my friend decides to embarrass me and introduces me to the guy by saying that I intended to marry him.... well I guess it worked because seven years later we we're married and I'm still laughing at his jokes said...

thanks for a chance to win

Emilie said...

lovely charm pack...thanks for the giveaway!

MaryBeth said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Today's my birthday!!

Jenica said...

Lovely giveaway, thanks!

I grew up in Oregon and randomly decided to move to Texas, maybe for a year, to check it out. I met my husband two weeks later and ten years later I'm still here!

jenicagirl at yahoo dot com

Aces said...

Great recipes are all about dabbling and doctoring. Plant some fresh herbs (parsley, oregano, and basil are musts) and keep some smoked paprika in the house. Now, I haven't used all these together, but these three herbs/spices can really help out an otherwise ho-hum dish.

Genevieve P said...

I love sunkissed!
A good dinner... I made Greek pizza last week and it was so good! Pizza crust, shredded mozz and parm and crumbled feta, sliced tomatoes, olives, fresh basil, sauted onion and red pepper, salt and pepper... it was really good!

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

sunkissed is such a pretty name for that fabric! I'd lvoe to win & make something sunny for my girls :)

Lisa said...

you make me excited about all the cucumbers I'm growing yum...i love sunkissed thanks for the chance

Stephanie said...

what a wonderful giveaway. i love the sunkissed.

Sara said...

Love those pickles up top and Sunkissed is gorgeous!!!

Kim said...

You make me want to go make some homemade pickles.

Lisa said...

Love the giveaway! My new favorite recipe is the Italian Chicken Cutlets from Kitchen Boss on TLC. Thanks for the chance to win!

Cheryl R said...

Oh! Sunkissed is my fave! Seriously! Love it!

Enchiladas that are not even worthy of being called a recipe - but so yummy! Brown 1 lb of hamburger - add taco seasoning and a can of drained black beans. Roll up a spoonful inside tortillas in a 9x13 pan. Pour one can red enchilada sauce over the top and sprinkle w/ 1 package of fiesta cheese. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes until the cheese melts. YUM!

nicole said...

i love getting new recipe ideas from the pioneer woman!

Susan said...

I will tell you how I met my Spanish neighbor.
My husband took me with him to a work related event in Greece. We attended a reception one evening. We introduced ourselves to a couple standing nearby. I asked the woman where she was from and as the conversation progressed we discovered they lived a few houses down the street from us (in Dubai). We had to travel all the way to Greece to meet our neighbors!

Sherry said...

Love the fabric and would love to win. I have been married for almost 39 years to someone I met while in Junior High. I have loved having more time for sewing now that my children are grown. This world of blogging has been so much fun. I did not join this giveaway but I am participating in the "Cottage Charm" giveaway. It is fun to "meet" new people every day.

Sincerely, Sara said...

Hmm, my go to recipe in a pinch is always stromboli. Use Pillsbury French Bread Roll, unroll the dough on a cookie sheet, spread ingrediants of choice on top (I layer cheese, ham, pepperoni, mushrooms, broccoli, olives..), fold the dough over ingredients so you have nice tight stromboli roll and put three holes in the top with the tip of a knife. Bake according to directions on the French Bread Roll. Let sit for a few minutes, slice and serve! I also always have some spagetti sauce on the side for those who want to dip. :) Would love to win! ;)

Dana Gaffney said...

I love the name of your blog and thanks for the explanation, my mind was whirling.

leslieanne said...

The best part of all these giveaways is finding such awesome blogs! Like yours! I could spend hours here. Hee hee...and I will.

leslieanne said...

Following like a sheep!

Tracy said...

I have a breakfast recipe that's really good. I got it from my friend Lacey and it really makes morning so much easier. :)

Banana Breakfast Cookie
Serves 2
1 ripe banana (it doesn’t have to be over ripe)
1 t raw sugar (optional)
1/2 t vanilla
2 T natural peanut butter
1/2 t pumpkin pie spice OR cinnamon
1 c rolled oats
1 T chocolate chips, cocoa nibs, chia seeds or dried fruit
I used a square pyrex sandwich container to make this in and then let it chill overnight in the same container.
Mash banana, sugar, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla together until smooth. Add in the peanut butter and combine well, then stir in oats and chocolate chips. Your mixture should not be super wet, it should be slightly moist and have enough oats to stay together. If it’s too wet-add more oats. If it is too dry, add a tablespoon of non-dairy milk or water. Refrigerate overnight and enjoy half for breakfast.

That Little Stitch said...

I love your blog! That haunted house quilt is to die for! Ive never seen one like it! Love your fabric choice!
Here is a link to one of my favorite recipes. Because I have 3 toddlers and always need a quick snack for them I do these

Sallie said...

Easy Taco Chicken in the Crockpot
6 - 8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 can Rotel tomatoes
1 pkg. taco seasoning

Put all in the crockpot 6 - 8 hours. Can use frozen chicken breasts. An hour before serving, shred and return to crockpot. Can use in taco shells or good on baked potatoes.

Cortney said...

I know what you mean about online friends! Some of my closest friends are the ones who live very far away, and I've never met some of them in person.

Love the fabric and I love your blog name. Fabulous!

Unknown said...

Haven't used Sunkissed yet, so I would love to win it.
Your blog name is great as well as the story behind it.

Laura said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I met my husband when I got into a minor car accident at the age of 16. My dad was furious (accident was my fault), so my car was taken away and I didn't have a way to get to the annual fireworks at the park. An ex boyfriend/friend was getting a ride from HIS friend, who just happened to be extremely handsome and nice. Two years later, he proposed at the same fireworks, and we'll have been married five years (together for ten) in August.
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

danette said...

Really cute fabric.

Kathryn said...

Something funny: Yesterday my dad was trying to fix the window with Super Glue but it wouldn't work so he tested it with his hand and ended up getting his hand stuck to the wall.

Katherine said...

Oh, I love charm packs!

Jocelyn said...

Great giveaway! I love Sunkissed! Very cute name. I love hearing how people come up with their blog names. Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway.

Janda said...

Bree and Julie helped me make my first quilt ever! YAY!

And on Saturday, my sister gave my daughter some lemonade. She took a sip and said, "Mmmmm.... tastes like yellow!" LOL

Kelly Massman said...

thanks--very sweet giveaway!! I'm a new follower!

Dreaming Monet said...

love the story of how you came up with your name!

and it's a great giveaway!

let's see - i have a 2.5-year-old daughter and am 36w3d pregnant with daughter #2! i've been craving broccoli or spinach sauteed with garlic, olive oil & sliced almonds. so we've been having that a lot! yum!

thanks for the chance to win.

Alli said...

Here's my favorite hamburger recipe:

1 lb ground beef
1/3 c shoyu (soy sauce)
3 T sugar
2 T toasted sesame seeds
1 T vegetable oil
1/2 c chopped onion
1/3 c minced green onion

Mix everything and refrigerate for an hour or more before cooking in your preferred hamburger manner. :) I often leave out the green onions because it doesn't really need it.

Erin said...

I love the name story!

Here's my "how I met..." story.

When I was a freshman in high school, I had gym with this guy that picked on me incessantly. He was older (a junior) and I knew nothing about him, just that he was ALWAYS picking on me. Nothing happened other than that, and the semester (and gym class) ended. Fast forward to my sophomore year and first day of chemistry. Guess who walks into the class? Yup, you guessed it. He wasn't in the class, he was a teacher's aide. But he thought sitting right behind me was a great idea. So weeks passed, and he picked on me more, and then flirted a little, but that was it. I really started liking him, but I wasn't sure if he was really "into" me like I was into him. So I did what any mature, ready-to-date 15 year old girl would do... I sent him a Secret Admirer note. *giggle* He wrote back to this unknown person, and the notes continued for a few weeks. I finally got up the nerve to come clean about who I was, and he was very happy it was me. We started dating, and though we've had our ups and downs, this June will be our 10th wedding anniversary (which is a story in and of itself, including Bennigan's, moving, and eloping). We have 3 boys now, and the oldest one will turn 6 years the day before the 15th anniversary of our first date.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Mali said...

I'll give you a joke :)

What is green and has wheels? Grass. I lied about the wheels.

lorijo2003 said... brain is numb...I have no witty thoughts or recipes to share...but I can tell you...4 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT!!! I'm a school teacher, and I think I'm more ready than the kids to be outta here:)


Tamara said...

I love your blog's name! When I was pregnant I craved milk like crazy. When we got down to a half gallon of milk I'd start to panic. My husband would tell you he feared for his life whenever he poured himself a glass of milk!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting this contest! :)

Cricket said...

Well first, I love the name of your blog. And second, I also met some very wonderful friends at one of those online pregnancy boards. In fact, when our kids were 2, five of us met up *with* our kids for a weekend. And now it has been 8 years since we 'met' online and they are still some of my most treasured friends.

Thanks for the chance to win.

BrittanyGale said...

Great giveaway. RECIPEEE

I've made this a few times and it is sooo good. I don't use the onions, double the dressing to put more on after it's been refrigerated and use less sunflower seeds and raisins because it seemed like too much the first time I made it.

Thanks for the opportunity :D

MoeWest said...

Thanks for the chance to win some Sunkissed! I love that fabric. I'll give you a link to a great cooking blog.

Allison said...

Great giveaway
never disappoints when it comes to recipes!

Valerie said...

Nice giveaway! My favorite jokes are told by my 4 yr. old, but they aren't really jokes other people quite an easy recipe is to spread out the dough from Pillsbury loaf bread and voer with cream cheese and shredded cheese. Roll up long sides and bake for 20 min or so. Serve sliced with marinara for dipping.

Sarita Leone said...

I love the name of your blog. It makes me smile right away!

Hope your sewing mojo returns quickly. :)

Cristina said...

Great giveaway! I met my hubby on We were both attending the same church at the time, but had never met there.

mrstolli said...

Great giveaway!
Here's a great pasta recipe.

16 ounces thin spaghetti
2 cans chopped black olives
4 oz pimentos
1 bunch green onions
1 bell pepper
2 stalks celery

Cook spaghetti and drain; mix 4 tbsp each Accent, lemon juice and canola oil. Pour over noodles and chill overnight. Chop all ingredients and add next day with 1 ½ cups mayo. Stir and chill 2 hours.

morgansmom2000 said...

I met my Bestie online ;)


Valerie said...

Love the charm pack!

Beth said...

What an awesome story! I met my fiance on my first day of work at a new job. I knew right away that we were going to become close, either friends or more. I was single for almost two years at the time and vowed to myself that I would not get into any relationships until after my two year mark (my previous relationship was a horrible one and did quite a number on my self esteem). My fiance was persistant and asked me out almost everyday for a month. I finally made it to the day after my two year mark and glady accepted his offer! We have been together 3 years now and are getting married in September!!

JoyceLM said...

I love Sunkissed!

Met my husband on a blind date. I worked with her; he worked with him. We're still married 26 years; but they divorced long ago.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Laurel said...

recipe? toss chicken wings in equal parts honey, bbq sauce and soy sauce. bake at 350 for an hour.

Unknown said...

I had to take a look around before commenting. I am a new follower. I would love it if you would stop by and say hi sometime.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

great giveaway and sun kissed too!!!

needle and nest said...

What a great story! Here's my favorite blueberry pancake recipe:

Anonymous said...

what a cute way to come up with a blog name. i always wonder where the names came from. thank you for sharing. btw, your fabric choice for this giveaway is wonderful!

Ly + Alan said...

Love your story and LOVE the sunkissed fabrics. Yesterday for dessert I made seriously the best strawberry shortcake ever. Here is a link to the recipe:

Seriously go check it out and make it now. You will be glad you did!


lyalanlee at gmail dot com

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

Love those fabrics and great story about your name!

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Would love to win this!
Recipe: slices of provolone on top of black pepper triscuits.

What? I'm no chef! :)

zucchinisummer at gmail dot com

Calikisses said...

I love that fabric. Very cute. I will tell you the extremely short version of how I met my current bf. Basically, we met in high school when I was dating one of his friends. We became fast friends and always tried to keep in touch but lost contact after he went into the army. Now, 7 years later we are back in each other's lives completely by accident and as happy as can be about it! That's the short version. The long one could probably fill a book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennie said...

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Chicken Tacos

2lbs chicken breast (cubed or cut to liking)
2 teaspoon of paprika, garlic powder, cumin, onion powder
1 teaspoon of garlic salt
4 teaspoon of chili powder

Mix dry seasoning together. You should have about 6 tbsp of mix. I use about 3 for the chicken and the rest I usually add to sauteed onions, peppers and mushrooms that I cook for the tacos or fajitas.

Add the seasoning to the chicken once chicken is cooked. Add about 1/4 cup of water to chicken and simmer for a few minutes.


Laura Beech said...

Going to have fun poking around here I can tell.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Let's see. When my son was a toddler, he loved to point out every piece of construction equipment when we were in the car. Well, he couldn't quite say "dump truck". The way he talked it sounded like the first word ended in a "b", and the first letter of the second word was "f" instead of "tr". Oy!

woolybooger said...

I love charm packs! You don't have to make up your mind which fabric you like best. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Ana e os Viraventos said...

Great giveaway.
I am not good at telling jokes so here is one of my favourite bread recipies:
3 large cups of flour
3 table spoons sugar
1 tea spoon salt
1 large cup warm water
1/3 cup oil
1 package bread yeast

Mix all ingredients and knead. Let rise. Bake.

If you want to make different types, just mix one of the following combinations to the bread after it rises and then let it rise again before baking:
- rosemary and chillis
- thyme and honey
- olives (make bread with olive oil instead)
- cheese and oregano and tomatoes
- onions and parsley and other herbs

p1aceboeffect said...

I was reading throught the past posts and I really like the one about Stawberry Shortcake Ann. My husband, his father, and grandfather all have the same middle name so when we had our girl we decided she should have the same middle name too to keep the tradition going. Thanks for the giveaway.

Piper Bella Boutique said...

What did the dill pickle say to the sweet pickle that was trying to fool him??

Quit gherkin my chain!

Bahahaha!! I also have a good distant friend from a birth board of May 2010!

Sandi P said...

Oh the pressure to come up with something witty or fun or even a recipe. Really I don't do well with command performances - LOL If I didn't love that sunkissed fabric I might just skip your give-away altogether, but I am adding you to my Google Reader and it would be so fun to see my name listed as a winner.

Michelle J. said...

Say this one aloud:
Q: What do you can a fish with no eye?

A: A fsh.

Sarah said...

Thanks for the chance to win! For lunch today I made my first salad roll. It was delicious! Made with a spring roll wrap filled with lettuce, carrot, and smoked tofu, and dipped in sweet chili sauce :)

Jamie said...

Wow! Great charm pack! My husband is from Togo and we met 14 years ago in Marburg, Germany where I was studying at the time. I'm from the States. Must have been fate!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Well today is my Birthday and since it has rained almost every day in May here in NY, some Sunkiss would brighten the day.

Sarah Rae said...

Hmm, well, when I first met so and so, er, I mean, my husband, he was grumpy and snapped at me because I told him he was putting our friends entertainment center together wrong. He ignored me, but later had to take the whole thing apart. Just out of sheer stubbornness he made it work without taking it apart completely, thought it took him twice as long to do so. Haha.

Amy said...

I LOVE the recipes at! So many yummy things. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!

Stacy said...

Great giveaway & I love the charm pack! Not much fun going on with me today for a fun post, but I'm thankful for a little break from laundry to browse through all these fun giveaways! Thanks so much! :-)

Melissa said...

So glad I found your blog through SMS and can now follow you:) Loving your clock and naptime dress tutes:) Today, I have gotten a migraine but love fabric, sewing and anything related to it so much that I am blog hopping through SMSs lists rather than sleeping it off! Creating is so addictive:) Thanks for offering the chance to win some FANTABULOUS Sunkissed!!!

Lappesola said...

Please count me in on this great giveaway.

Hugs from Sol in Norway

Ms Muffin said...

I do not know any jokes ... and dinner recipes ...
I can recommend some quick "pizzas" my husband makes and I love to eat. They are not really pizza but fajitas - on top you spread cream cheese, tuna and cheese. Put that in the oven so it gets hot and the cheese melts. And on top of that you put caramalized onions!
Thanks for such a fun giveaway!
And you are very welcome to enter mine, too. You can win some custom-made buttons. :-)


Ms Muffin
ulli-xox [at] web [dot] de

Maggie said...

I love this line! My go to recipe is for Salsa Verde Enchiladas from Cooking Light Magazine. They are DELISH!

Micmacker said...

I love the photo in your blog header. Here's a quick story: on Friday night, my husband said, "I just heard our daughter's ipod alarm go off. This is what it was for..." I looked, and her alarm was set to reminder her to "Tell Mom I love her". Made my night. Thanks for the giveaway, I love Sunkissed!

kt said...

A how we met story--I met my husband waterskiing--he threw me off the boat! Don't know that it was love at first sight, but it didn't take long....we were married less than a year later. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Not a joke, but funny. Got a phone call and someone said "Terri?" And I said "Yes this is Terri who is this?" And she said "your mother!" I said "Mom??" and she said "Is this Terri Henderson?" and I said " Nooo its Terri Lucas lol you have the wrong number." Now how odd is that lol!

Anonymous said...

I am a German that is way I cannot tell you a joke - but I have one of my favorite blogs:

Sasa (dietimi (at) gmx (dot) de)

Jessica said...

One of my best friends I met online on an infertility site, which also has due date boards incidentally, and we've been friends for 8 plus years now. We both had ivf babies, almost 6 months apart exactly. She is lives on the other side of the world so we are definitely distant pickles!

Thanks for the chance!

Rebecca said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this. So here is my joke:

Why are rivers rich?
****** Every River Has Two Banks ********

Heather said...

Tonight for dinner I am making lemon garlic chicken. Throw some chicken breasts in the crock pot, add crushed garlic, lemon juice and salt and pepper. Simple and yummy

pinsandneedles said...

Met my husband in college and recently celebrated our 30th anniversary! Love sunkissed and it sure does say spring!

erica said...

I met my husband on a blind date set up by my sister

thecarters said...

what did the snail say on the turtle's back? "wheeeeee!"

i know, i know.

Erin P. said...

I love love love this fabric, I just made a easter table runner and chicken out of it, it turned out adorable anyway great giveaway!!!

Ricki said...

For the good of everyone in the The Pioneer Woman posted a recipe for a Milky Way cake that looks divine! And I have it on good authority that the calories in a candy bar don't count if you melt it before eating it. That concludes this public service announcement. ;-)

Linda Crosby said...

just love how you came up with your name. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway...funny and true...girlfriends took me out for my birthday Friday night and three of them wanted to share a dessert but couldn't make up their mind. One friend took out a coin and flipped it for decission and when she flipped the coin into the air, it went over her head and landed at another table. Too funny..won't forget this

Oh Sweet Petunia said...

I met my husband on the internet and for our first date we had tarot readings done. The tarot reader didn't know we were on our first date and she told me that I was going to meet the love of my life soon. Little did she know....

Jo said...

I met my DH on the biker kiss website. We didn't have pics up and we talked with emails for 3 months then he sent me a pic and his phone # ........he was the man I had divorced 20 yrs earlier! Thanks for the giveaway

Liz said...

Thanks for the giveaway, as I post this we've just had another wee aftershock roll through.. it's strange to be used to your house shaking!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great giveaway chance! As far as recipes go...I just had amazing success with a very simple salad at my last dinner party. Just cook some pearl barley (not too soft, still with some bite) and mix it with some stir fried vegetables. Spice it with salt, pepper, ground coriander and any herbs (preferably fresh) you like. I couldn't believe it, but it was THE WINNER...

the frog princess said...

I met my husband because we were both fans of the same author. We're still together but don't like the author's new works. Oh well!

Irina said...

I met my hub in the most horrendous pub you can think of... he was gigging there and well, we're still together! The pub isn't there anymore thanks God!

DangAndBlast! said...

I met my husband in 7th grade, but he was very quiet; we first really met when my best friend stood me up for a dance in 12th grade (he was worried I'd get all mushy on him), and the husband was the only guy I knew who wasn't going, so I asked him. That's all she wrote! (We're not unique in my family... my sister met her husband when they were four years old. And it's not like we're in a small town... we're in Houston!)

Nancy said...

I love Sunkissed- thanks for the giveaway!

flowerofshona said...

Take a pork chop/loin steak put slices of onion and apple on top, cover over with stuffing (paxo) wrap in foil and bake its yummy!!!

The Hungry Crafter said...

I love the name of your blog :) I met my fiance when we were both dating other people -- we totally hit it off and chatted all night, no avail, of course. We bumped into each other a few years later, and straightaway determined we were both single -- and have been inseparable for the 6.5 years since!

Anonymous said...

I met my husband through his sister (who I worked with). We've been married 42 years on Tuesday. This would be a great present for me.

Pat K

Natalie J said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I post recipes on my blog now and again. Here's a link to my Thai Chicken Pasta. :)

J-me said...

thanks for the oppertunity to win!!! i started sewing because i didnt have a job and needed a hobby to keep me occupied!!

Jenny said...

What a lovely selection! Thanks for participating in the give-away.

Jagels said...

i teach preschool, every day is full of giggles. but none that are very funny unless you're there. thanks for the giveaway.

Lauri said...

Glad to be here and I love the fabric pack. Thanks for a great giveaway.

lauri dot rymar at gmail dot com

K. Pendleton said...

My Joke: The Cubs!

Crystal said...

Awesome giveaway, I love the fabrics!

I have been teaching myself to sew and quilt using youtube!


Lee said...

Thanks for the giveaway and sharing the story of your blogs name! Have a great week!

Abby said...

I met my boyfriend on the internet :D Is that a good enough story? I don't have many others...

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Thank you for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!

Amy said...

I love the name of your blog!!! Some of my closest friends came from my pregnancy group online for December 2007!

Laurel said...

Ooh, Sunkissed. LOVE it!

Margaret said...

I love Moda charm packs! Here's one of my favorite jokes (mostly because there are only about 3 that I ever remember!): How do you make a kleenex dance? Put a little "boogie" in it! Hee hee. :)

Melissa Corry said...

I love Sunkissed and I love charm packs even more. I have a habit of just setting them all in a stack and then re-arranging them. I just love there cute little fringed edge :)

Jen said...

I just made some delicious sweet potatoes! Throw some butter and olive oil in a pan (about 2 tbsp and a large spoonful of butter), then a large spoonful of brown sugar. Drizzle some honey in there. Throw some Ginger, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Cut your potatoes into wedges and and throw them in the pan too. Make sure they are smothered in the delicious juice and let them col until sift, maybe 20 min. They are sweet and yummy!

Great giveaway, I'm a new follower!

Lyndal said...

Nice giveaway - hoping i win :-)
Easy Pasta Bake
- Can of Tuna
- Cooked Pasta
- Can of Soup
Mix all together and put in oven dish and sprinkle with cheese and brown in oven! Hit with kids!

Ariane said...

I love this charm pack!!! Can't wait to see what your hand made item is!! Your last quilt is just beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Tiffany said...

Cute story! I'm making Dad's famous burritos tonight. It's just hamburger, green chiles, and a couple of beef bullion cubes.

CMEH said...

thanks for a great giveaway! Love the pic on the title and it is a great name

Bellgirl said...

Those pickles in your banner look pretty tasty- I wonder if that means I'm pregnant? ;)

Kelly said...

Great giveaway. Lots of good comments. I like the no required hoop jumping thing it really gets people to be creative in their posts. I will follow !

leigh7911 said...

Why did the elephant cross the road?

It was the chicken's day off.

(Yeah... sorry.)

Memories By Me said...

I was just at your blog yesterday :-) i was going through the list of quilts on Amy's quilt festival!!You do GREAT work!! thanks for sharing!

Eema-le said...

My best dinner recipes come from Pioneer Woman. She's got a ton of great recipes on her site.

limor477 at aol dot com

Tamie said...

Okay. I'm feeling lucky because the 26th is my 27th anniversary. One of my easy dinner ideas (and kid friendly) is grilled chicken cut into strips in a wrap. Add lettuce, cheese, tomato, sour cream- whatever floats your boat.

Addy said...

I'd love to win, and I appreciated reading about the name of your blog. :)


mennikelly said...

Pasta primavera

Alison said...

Ooh, I'd love to win some fabric! Thanks a lot!
aliben7 (at) gmail (dot) com

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