I suppose I should admit that I'm a Harry Potter fan. I've watched the movies since the first one came out, and I'm just now going back and reading the books. (I have a personal preference to watch first, then read for details later... don't judge!)
Now, I'm not a midnight movie go-er. Frankly, I have a 3 year old and I value sleep more than that... I'm more of a quiet fan. But my inner fan certainly peeked out when the lovely Donkey emailed me this tutorial: http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-an-awesome-Harry-Potter-wand-from-a-sheet-of-/#step1
Seriously, pretty easy. A bit time consuming but very easy overall. I filled mine wholly with hot glue to make it stiffer - the instructions indicate that you can use a second piece of paper or a chopstick, but I did hot glue. It's successfully stiff and feels a bit like a lightweight wood!
Here is my first attempt:
Not bad, eh?! I plan to make several more and stick the lot into an apothecary jar onto a shelf. A nice, spooky addition to Halloween decor, and a double bonus if you plan to be a witch or wizard for Halloween this year!
If you've got a lot of time on your hands, or don't get a lot of trick or treaters, they'd be a pretty rad hand-out with the candy, too. Party favors?
I'm totally having a friend over in October for a Sorcerer's Stone and Wand-Making party!
Don't forget to link up any of your Halloween themed crafts over at the Fabric Donkey for a chance to win the fat quarter bundle from Riley Blake Fabrics!
Oh we did these for my daughter's 9th birthday! She and her brother used them for Halloween and her HP birthday party. I will try to locate one to take a picture. I rubbed gold on the hot glue part to make it stand out a bit more, and then I sprayed a light spray of polyurethane to make it shiny. If I can locate one or two, I'll take a picture and post them in my flickr! I also made the kids robes and crocheted them Gryffindor scarves.
Oh my thanks for sharing! I must make one of these! Check out my post from today....you ladies have been given an award!
I wish I were smart enough to watch the movie before I read the book, I always do the opposite then get mad when they make the movie wrong :)
What a fun idea, maybe when I see my HP loving friends again we can do these, they're awesome!
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