Giveaway is now closed...I just realized when I re-designed the blog I lost our numbered comments, oops! I'll announce the winner as soon as I figure out how to put them back!
Did you guys think we forgot about giveaway day? I almost did! I told Bree I would handle it since she is totally swamped with Christmas orders and I kept putting it off. Then I remembered late yesterday afternoon that I needed to put something together and instead of being a good girl and getting it done I chose to play Xbox with my husband, oops!
I sent Bree an email first thing this morning and said I still don't know what to do for the giveaway! We brainstormed a bit and I put together something that I hope you all like!
I broke into my beloved Castle Peeps stash that I won from Lee during the Supernova Quilt Along giveaway for this one. It was so hard cutting this fabric up but I sure do love the final results!
So up for grabs today is a Castle Peeps notebook and a drawstring bag
(made with Jeni's awesome tutorial)
Would you like to win these?
All you have to do is leave us a comment. No need to become a follower or like us on Facebook or anything. If this is your first time visiting, feel free to look around while you're here, you're more than welcome to stay! And if you'd like to check us out on Facebook we have a link right over there in the sidebar, come on over!
Anyway, leave us a comment and give us some gift ideas for kids. I need good stuff, stuff that they'll play with, stuff that won't fall apart within a week. I'm so tired of our money going to waste on crap each year. And if you can't think of anything for kids, how about the husbands? Men can be so hard to shop for! An awesome cookie recipe would also be a good comment to leave :)
Giveaway is open until this Friday, the 16th, at 8:00 pm EST. I'll announce the winner by Sunday night. Please make sure if you are a no-reply blogger that you leave an email address so I can notify you if you win. International entries are welcome.
Giveaway is open until this Friday, the 16th, at 8:00 pm EST. I'll announce the winner by Sunday night. Please make sure if you are a no-reply blogger that you leave an email address so I can notify you if you win. International entries are welcome.
Thanks for stopping by and good luck!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 229 Newer› Newest»Great giveaway! Thanks. My kids are boys, age 8 and 10, and all they're into is Lego so that's where my mind goes for gifts for kids! Also for my nieces and nephews I have purchased stuffed animals that double as pillows. I think they're called Zoobies? Super cute.
Husbands, now that's a whole nother can of worms. I need help there myself!
Love the Castle Peeps!
I'm going to come back and see what people suggest for kids. I'm having a hard time myself! I tend to do clothes and books from us and let the grandmas and aunts get the toys. Husbands are a bit easier, although it would be great if everything he wanted weren't a gadget or tool costing $$$. My husband wants a new cordless drill this year.
And I've got this recipe on my "to be baked" list this year:
-Sonya (wxgeek96 at gmail dot com)
Cute bag and notebook pad. I agree with the falling apart gifts!!! I go for games which they can play. We loved the classic games growing up.
We are into all things puzzle and ball related over here. Or flash lights are always a hit with the preschool crowd.
Karen J, aka karibou
Oh wow Julie - I love this giveaway. I'm a big kid myself and the prints you used is just wonderful.
Gift ideas for kids... Superhero costumes. Capes, masks, secret identities - the works :)
I am pretty stumped on husband, brothers and Dads as well.
I'm not sure how old your kids are, but my boys love their trains (Thomas the train wooden set) and their lego duplos. It's fun to set up different tracks or build different things with the blocks, always hours of entertainment. Thanks for the great giveaway!
WOW! Looks fabulous! And you just did this today?? Amazing!
Depends on how old they are, but how about a little notebook with promises in (e.g. I will paint your nails today, I will make popcorn and watch a DVD with you, We will go for a walk in the dark and look at Christmas lights together). No broken toys at all!
I am joining in with this give away too, so pop on over to my blog and say hello
How about a Plasma car? They can hold up to 220lbs so it could be a gift for hubby too! :)
Duplos are a constant win at our house, along with felt/wooden food and puzzles !
I don't know if your kids are like my kids, but mine love Tubers and Zots, and math linking chains which they use for pretend, and dress-up of any sort, and watercolors and markers and playdoh. And this Christmas Santa is bringing them MagnaBlocks. Don't get them on Amazon, though. If you can find a local person they will have them for a normal price, not the cuckoo jacked-up price.
I love Erector sets for older kids!
urchiken at gmail dot com
A tool roll-up?
Legos rule the world here too. Not very handmade lovey, but it is what it is lol. froggygirldesigns at gmail dot com
Gotta say legos too. We're almost to that point here! As for men, I'm married to the biggest bah-humbug ever, so I don't even bother. Which isn't helpful, sorry! (He doesn't go without, he just gets whatever he wants at the time.)
they're a cute lego mat i've seen in blogland as well as car mats with felt roads and things
I love what you've made!
Melissa & Doug toys are always a hit, we're still playing with the puzzles she got last year for Christmas. Their cutting food is awesome too.
My hubby would be happy with a 6-pack and a jar of pickled garlic...but that's probably just him.
My favorite cookies-
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 c flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3 cups oats
1 bag choc chips
Cream butter & sugars, add vanilla. Combine all dry ingredients except oats & chocolate chips then mix all together with wet ingredients. Lastly add oats and chips and mix well. Bake @ 375 for 8-10 minutes.
Puzzles for the kids and Batman:Arkham City for your husband. Merry Christmas and thanks you for the wonderful giveaway prizes.
Melissa and Doug makes this wooden play food that is segmented and held together with Velcro. You can "cut" the food up with a play knife and cutting board. It's really quite satisfying to cut, if I say so myself. Anyway, my son loves it and it really holds his attention. Good quality too.
Oooh, as an Aunty I'm afraid I'm all for noisy toys - not sure I'd think the same with kids under my roof! Also very fond of old fashioned wooden stuff, and my sister is making a play kitchen for her twins which looks awesome!
Great giveaway - thanks!
The toys my kids always come back to is their wooden train set, their wooden play kitchen, and the wooden blocks I found at an antique sale years ago. Love your giveaway!
SO cute! we got our girls "crazy forts" this year. they look cool, so hopefully they'll like them. if not, i'll have something new to play with ;)
Beautiful! This is my favorite fabric ever!!
Beautiful set! Thanks for the chance to win.
For our kids we always get lots of books, reading books and silly puzzle/doodle type books. This year I found some great paper folding books on amazon. I like toys that keep them busy.
Love, love the tote! I'm smitten with the green!
Great gifts I find are art supplies. You can even find some homemade recipes online for paints and stuff.
Kids can be tricky. They can get bored and break stuff. Lots of kids love puzzles and those tend to be pretty durable, I think they're a good present for a young kid!
I love the fabric you chose, it's so lovely.
I made my teenage son a traveling neck-tie case, Keeps ties from becoming a tangled, wrinkled wad of silk in a suitcase. Also, boys like flannel PJ's and they won't ask, but they also like a soft flannel pillow case.
Thanks for the give away- I'd love another note book case.
My Older Grandson (aged nearly-two) is obsessed with cars and books so guess what he's getting? Husband is getting a jigsaw puzzle, a book and a weekend away at the open plains zoo! We have too much stuff so I always try to buy experiences!
for my husband, i did most of my shopping at - it's so much fun!
Oh my word, that notebook holder is fantastic!! As for gifts, I am having the same problem. Except that I am trying to figure out what to get/make for a 1.5 year old. So really I guess I just need to find a cardboard box for her to play in any maybe some wrapping paper and I should be good to go :) I did get my husband a sweet usb drive....good luck figuring out gifts!
a season pass to the local zoo, if you have one closeby??
Love the bag! I saw the tutorial through Film in the Fridge and have been wanting to make one. My son is almost 5 and is totally into Legos. I am making his some numbered bean bags, too.
Play scarves. I dyed some for my girls several years ago and they still play with them in all sorts of ways.
We bought a ton of Melissa and Doug toys for my 2 year old when they were on sale for half price last week. Some of them are a little old for him, but they can stay in the closet until he is ready for them. We love their toys, they are usually wood and well made.
mindfulhome at gmail dot com
Legos or puzzles. I have a costume bin my kids love to have at in my classroom (and they're 11).
Love! Need some for legos...
I am making hop scotch mats, travel chess, a bike basket and baby dolls this year. There's probably more on my list but I'd rather not think about it right now. :P I want to make my husband a valet sometime.
Love this giveaway!
your dancing pickles crack me up! I don't have a husband but the boyfriend likes socks and a coupon book full of sexual favors went over really well also.
I think the best gift my son ever received was time. His grandmother would have him over and they would make caramel corn together. He's 16 and every year, that's all he really wants. ♥
dress up clothes, puzzles, and board games are all my go to toys. :)
Love it! I almost always give books to kids. I remember my mom would always give us books for Christmas and then we would all read after opening presents.
I make my husband boxer shorts. I made him cactus ones (prickly!) tools (massive tools!) and carrots (upright carrots). He really like thems!
Wow the bag and notebook cover are awesome! My son is getting some Legos - he LOVES them, and the husband is getting a small compressor. Good luck on your shopping! Thanks for the chance!
Really cute bag and notebook, I love that fabric! We get tons of mileage out of legos and wooden toys. Also, the plastic Schleich animals, my kids love those. Husbands are tough, maybe you could make a cover for an electronic device he owns? Good luck with the shopping.
Imaginative gifts, like things they can use to dress up, or build forts/castles, etc, are usually a big hit!
Elisha (eternal.alchemy(at)gmail(dot)com)
I *love* Playmobil! Also going to get Lego this year too.
Balls.... small bouncy balls, foam balls, soccer balls, footballs, etc. it is the only gift that all 4 of my kids love.
so cute i don't have boys but i can def find one to give this to!
I don't have kids or a husband, so I've got no suggestions for either! BUT here's a cookie recipe. It's my favourite thing my grandma makes and we always called them ginger snaps, but they don't snap, they should be soft, almost bendable, so just ginger cookies. Recipe from my grandma with her comments:
1 1/2 cups margarine or butter
2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
1 cup molasses
4 1/2 cups flour
4 level tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp cinnamon
Mix as usual - should be fairly stiff batter, pinch off pieces, roll into balls. Roll balls in sugar (I assume this is sugar other than the original two cups - these are delicious little sugar bombs), place on ungreased sheet & press down with fork (or finger). Bake in 350 oven until done; don't over bake.
The bit about over baking and mixing "as usual" amuses me because I'm so used to cookbooks that detail EVERYTHING, but my grandma is the sort of cook who bakes bread by feel - "put in enough flour till it looks right" and that sort of thing.
Anyway, thanks for the chance at a great giveaway! (clumsy.chord(at)
hand carved wooden trucks from etsy make a great good quality gift for kids that will last!
We have lots of legos and trains over here. Melissa and Doug toys seem like they would hold up - and Haba too. Thanks so much for the chance to win your fun prize!
Here's the gifts we bought for the kids this year: 7&8 year old girls: special necklaces for church, some Christian fiction chapter books, shrinky dink craft sets, and handmade pajamas. 4-year old daughter: a headband, Tinkerbell activity books, Little Tikes shopping cart with car for doll on the front (SO cute!). 2-year old boy: remote control GeoTracks train set for his train table. For my hubby: hoodie, pass to play Paintball with a bunch of buddies.
I have very young nephews and they still love simple things, stuffies, balls etc.
Books are always good imo!
Love the bag and notebook! I love to give art supplies as gifts
What great fabric! My kids are getting personalized books this year from "i can see me"
Wooden blocks. My daughter received some plain wooden blocks when she was 2 and still plays with them at age 8.
Very cute. Kids gifts? Things that provoke imagination. I like Waldorfy type things. Thanks:)
Love!! That is so pretty! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
My kids have loved getting really simple stuff from me, like bean bags and dress up capes.
This would surely be a good gift for any kid! My kids love to draw & write, so I always keep paper & pen on hand when out & about.
My kids are getting legos--Harry Potter for dear daughter & Star Wars for little man. And, of course, books!
Lego and meccano are always a hit and lasts for many years
This set is very cool! Book covers, puzzles, hackey sacks for kids?
Ohhh, your notebook holder is awesome!!
The BEST child's "toys" we have are magnatiles. Pricey but they get played with almost daily!!
loreew at pacbell dot net
Love your items! That is cute fabric - so nice that you cut into it for us! Toys that have had staying power; Legos, marble runs that you can easily rebuild, puppet theater w/ puppets, small wood doll house and those fuzzy little animals with clothes on them (calico something?) & zip line! FYI, I have a 10 yo daughter.
Oh.My! You cut into it! It looks gorgeous, Julie. That drawstring bag is just awesome too.
Toys... I fail. Anything I think my daughter will like, she tends to scoff at. My husband is a major geek so he's happy with anything to do with D&D etc.
This year my little nephew is getting a rollie pollie, following the pattern from dana-made.
As for my husband... he got a handmade t-shirt for his birthday, and for xmas i am going with a book!
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful prize!
Something for the husband: have they ever wanted to sail on a tallship? Search the web for tall ships near you, and they will probably offer day sails or even overnights! Friends who have given these as gifts report GREAT results. :)
I love the fabric. Thank you so much for the giveaway.
My 10yr old son has Legos and books on his Christmas list. I thought about getting him a Kindle but he took $60 of his own money to the book fair this year (unbeknownst to me). So, he loves to read.
Men are difficult. I need help too.
Lora W.
Gosh those are cute! I've been trying to handmake most presents this year - Originally I planned to make dress-up costumes for my two year old, and gift them along with some thrifted items, as her first dress up set.. I've run out of time to make this gift, but I will stash it away for another year... Instead I have been sewing patchwork blankets and things for her dolls, very fun, and as I am using my stash, it's all free! Not sure what I'd do for a boy though...
Planning on buying some delicious cologne for the man, and probably some quite practical gifts (like guitar strings and a strap - etc) as those are the ones that impress him most. He does love a good book too.
Men are so hard! Why is that? My favorite thing to give kids are books - my kids have so many but we love them all! Thanks for the chance to win! ryansarahn at gmail dot com
Hi, Lovely giveaway, thanks for the chance to win it.
My best advice for kids gifts is all kind of activity games, specially those to more than one player!
For kids? LEGOS!!!
Love your gifts!!!
Oooh...this is awesome. I can just see my soon sitting on the couch, playing double agent and writing notes in that castle peeps notebook. :)
Kids gifts -- we do well with books, building supplies, play food, crafty stuff - - basically anything that encourages creative play. So many gifts have one purpose and the kids get bored with them (like those ridiculously overpriced car racetracks that kids love on Christmas morning and parents trip over while they collect dust).
Thanks for the chance and good luck with your gifts!
Alas, no kids, no husband, but I do have a kitty boy named Shakespeare and he loves, loves, loves his toys that are made with duck cloth and filled with Cosmic Catnip! does that count!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
You can't go wrong with Lego. I've bought it for my 7 year old son and 4 year old daughter this year. It doesn't break, doesn't age and is good for both genders.
Love this! So cute!
My son is almost 5 and he loves to build things. He likes legos as others have mentioned but he really loves Trio blocks. Those are his favorite. He was also absolutely obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine for ages and ages. Trains are always good for young boys. Also, art supplies! He love love loves to paint and draw and use scissors and glue.
That fabric is so cute, it must have been hard to cut it up. Some gift ideas for kids. Mine always liked arts and crafts so anything for that. Blocks in different shapes are used for a long time, making houses, streets for cars.
I don't know about the kids...I would say books. Books are good. As for husbands, I got my husband tickets to a show at our local theater. It's something we can do together and doesn't add clutter to the house, which he ABSOLUTELY appreciates, so it's really a great gift! Sometimes experiences are better than 'things.'
jinglesells at gmail dot com
i love that fabric as well! it must have been hard to cut it up! my kids have simple tastes... a doll with a doll quilt, some books, some new jammies. maybe a DS game or two ;) gooberific @
Some ideas: books, Lego, outside toys. Classic things are best.
I'm already a follower! Even though it means I'm not special. ;) Um... Toys for kids. I know SOMEONE who crochets really sturdy toys for kids *cough*
We're into ponies here (pownties)- both kids are, so I think if we're not getting them tricycles that's what we'll get them. Or maybe in addition to them.
The Fisher Price Little People things seem pretty sturdy. I have Hurricane Marcus and we got the zoo (and a bucket of jungle blocks) for them and it's been a year and they're STILL going strong.
You are asking the wrong person abouot kid gifts. I mail my DIL a check and tell her to get what she thinks is best, since I don't have to pay postage for shipping boxes the kids can a bit extra. I am having the husband problem this year too. As far as I know he doesn't need anything new for his bike, he is restoring a 1952 pickup but I would have no idea what to get him that might be useful with that project. I guess I could go with socks and underwear but I just got him some last month. I was going to get the blueray disk player thing but he came home with one on black Friday I am close to ripping my hair out . I wish you luck in the gift department! Love your work and the fabric is great! Thanks for the chance to win
Oh my goodness, I LOVE THAT FABRIC!! My birthday is Saturday, and this would be a great birthday present!
I am a life-long reader, so I am always in favor of giving kids books. One of my favorite gifts that I ever recieved as a little kid was a big book on the human body. I had big color pictures and funny stories about how everything worked. It was simple enough for me to understand. I read it over and over and over again.
These are great! LOVE them!!
Love your bag, that's a great fabric line! As far as gift ideas go, my husband usually gets something for golf, clothes and a video game. Not very exciting!
I like to make rice heating bags and doll quilts for gifts.
lisa.otis6 at gmail dot com
My children are in their teens now but when they were young their favourite toys were the lego and their toy farm
Thanks for a great giveaway! I love the fabric!
Goodness, gift ideas for kids? I don't have kids, haha! But I get my dog bones for Christmas!
Hello, Something that was a hit with our kids were razor type scooters. They had so much fun playing along side each other and by themselves on the scooters. Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous giveaways. Linda
rodlindafansler at gmail dot com
I love your giveaway! I went with cozy pajamas for the kiddos in my family this year :)
I think Legos are a pretty good toy for kids.... classic, and they've been along for so long! Very adorable blog here!
Any kind of blocks, and a way to keep them from making a mess. Like a play mat with a drawstring around it so you can gather it up into a bag with the blocks inside. I think I just now added that to my to-make list for this year... my kids tend to make a mess with blocks...
I got my two nephews Woody (from toy story) pjs. Also some undies because they have just started potty training :)
Lovely Fabric
I made my nieces and nephews I Spy Pillows and made my husband and college sons road organizers for their glove boxes - to put their ins. papers etc in. homemade playdough is nice - i am making some gingerbread flavor and putting some cookie cutters with it for my nieces. thanks for the giveaway!
Lovely! I think that some good gifts for kids are things that they can be creative with....legos, knex, things that they are making nice things from. We enjoy those in our house.
Thanks for a chance to win.
My husband is hard to buy for too. He likes tools. I'm getting him some new work gloves and a tool belt. I never knew how many kinds there were!
My kids love felt food. Cookies, farfalle pasta, sandwich pieces, anything they can cook and serve to us. And my 2 year old has a lego (duplo) obsession. She plays them constantly.
beckymac1 at hotmail dot com
I made all my nieces and nephews (and my three kids) christmas pressies this year, my two favorite are I-spy bags, these will be fantastic for trips in the car and doctors surgeries etc. I also made a lego bag that becomes a flat playing mat for my lego crazy son. Thanks for the chance to win, I really love that fabric.
Thanks for the chance to win, I am a grade-A note taker and this is adorable!
Legos were always a favorite of my kids! thanks for the giveaway!
I saw a great idea for kids on the Sew Mama Sew crafting extravaganza. It was a set of 30 or so fabric squares: pairs of half square triangles in solid colors that could be used to make patterns, like the wooden blocks that do the same thing (the name of which escapes me). Tanagrams, that's it!
You can't go wrong with Legos! Thanks for the giveaway.
Love the bag and notebook! I am all for book! My kids love them and you can divide them up into different rooms! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
I have no husband or kids can't help with the gift idea. I love the notebook cover and draw string bag set.
What a totally cool giveaway.
My boys love books and read and reread them. As for the hubby, he seems to like things that bring him back to childhood. Yhis year he's getting a remote control car;)
Legos, legos, legos!! we love them around our house. The only problem is storage.
Legos, dress-up clothes, and felt food.
Oh, what a fab prize, thanks for the chance to win :o)
For pressies, oh boy! Um, I'm all out of kids and other halves, but my dad is getting gadget cosies after discovering twice this year that little electronic gizmos don't bounce well...
So adorable! Great fabric
the little bag is so cute! would be perfect for my sons little toys. thanks for the chance to win!
I am not the one to ask for kids but when I was a kid the best toy we had was called Pipeworks. It consisted of interlocking pipes that you could use to build life size things like cars, houses, store fronts, slides. THEY ARE AWESOME!
erikaahaj at
Such a cute set, thanks for the chance to win! For Christmas I made my son an art tote with room for papers, crayons and an activity book.
So nice thanks! I made bunk bed book holders for my boys and we bought them wooden swords from an Etsy seller.
A great gift idea for your spouse is what my husband did for me last year - dates. He got a dinner out gift card, a day out of my choice, etc. The time together was the best! Thanks for the chance at an awesome prize!
Art supplies are a go to for my kiddos. I love anything that gets used up. Also you could do memberships: zoo, museum, or the like. Magazine subscriptions or movie passes are always appreciated. Cute bag and notebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
I've seen some neat things on etsy for kids. I really like the idea of making a tent using a hula hoop.
GREAT giveaway. Very nice!
Our kids LOVE magnets. The kind you build with, but also the scientific ones you can experiment with... LOVE 'em. (Just be careful... May not be appropriate for very little ones). :)
Thanks for the chance to participate!
im all about crafty or hand hands on gifts for kids..painting or pottery making or beading..these are gifts that i remember from my childhood fondly :)
I LOVE the 1001 peeps line, it's just so clever! Um, I'd suggest a knitting nancy (also called French knitting). I had one as a kid and loved it, an early creative experience :)
I'm making sock monkeys for my kids this year. :) Thanks for the chance to win, great giveaway!
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the giveaway! One year we bought a number of horseback riding lessons for our daughter so she could try something new...12 years later she is still riding! We have also bought memberships to indoor climbing places, season pass for skiing and plenty of legos and art supplies!
i love 1000 peeps and am crossing all my fingers and toes to win this :)
thanks for the giveaway!
Love these fabrics! I got my husband wool socks. Not very exciting, but he'll love them!
Great giveaway. Little kids like anything- just play with them.
That would be a great project bag for my knitting :-D
I made my son a Castle Peeps quilt. I have a fondness for the line.
I would love to keep my sewing notes in the Castle Peeps notebook and my son would love to have a matching bag to keep his trains in.
ooooh really cute stuff!! My two girls are all about ART stuff this year, so that is what Santa will be bringing them!! :) My 3 yo boy on the other hand is STILL all about dinosaurs!! Have a fun giveaway, and thanks for the chance!!
I LOVE the Castle Peeps fabrics!
I bought children's digital cameras for my nephews this year. My sisters and I are scrapbookers so I thought it would be fun to have some pictures from their perspectives. They make cameras that you can throw down the stairs and survive. Bear in mind, the picture quality isn't as good as an adult camera but aside from that, it gets the job done :)
ShanGalOnline at
I've heard people rave about magna-tiles as great for creative play. (not available this year - but next year mabye). for husbands - try a remote control helicopter. I've never seen a guy that didn't find those amusing (they have tiny little ones now that are cool and relatively affordable).
Duplos, lincoln logs and dominos! carrie dot hare @gmail
I'm making my sons a teepee for Christmas this year and hope it will be loved as much as the sheet tents are (I'm sure I'll be disappointed though).
The other fail safe for me is Lego.
Oh favorite fabric! And I love how you put it together!
I bought face paint for my little niece and for my nephews I bought camo face paint. Oh yes! They will love it. Not sure if their mother will...
I love your notebook holder and lined cute. my kids are in their 20's so gift ideas for little ones is hard for me. How about handmade quilts? How about a family puzzle? my husband is getting a handcart (dolly) this year ............very handy to have and new coffee maker
ahh the notebook holder looks great, I could fit in some A5 letter paper block - yes I write old fashioned letters...
gifts for kids - #1 windowpaint (removable) #2salt dough goodies for the shop (if they play shop that is, fruits and vergetables... )they don't break, they taste urghh so they won't eat it and you can make it with them as it's completely healthy if a bit salty...
Thanks for the chance!!
I love your giveaway prize - thanks for offering it! Legos are the way to go. My son may drift away from them periodically, but he always comes back!!
My little guy loves Melissa and Doug wooden toys and they can take a real beating!
Great giveaway! I am loving both of these items and the fabric is fab!
I don't have kids and for other people's children, I always buy books. As for my boyfriend, I could never go wrong with any kind of tools.
I love peeps fabric and have never had any!
Our little guy loves wooden train sets, and they seem to last well! My husband likes music.
My grandsons love the legos..they can use their imagination and great eye/hand coordination.
I love the fabrics you used.
Pat K.
I'm a fan of art supplies and books for kid's gifts - that's what I hope my kid is getting!
We do a present of books each year. Only do a few 'collection' of toys, for us it is Lego's, polly pocket, LPS, and matchbox car stuff. I know those are quality and don't break and it is easy to keep it organized!
We love giving the kids games. I worked in an independent toy store when I was in high school and am excited that my eldest is now old enough for all the Ravensberger games I played with back then.
Loved reading answers as I have a 11,8,8,and 3 year old. Art supplies are a big hit. Oldest is getting real candy making book and supplies (hope he lets me taste test!).
For kids: something buildable. Lincoln logs or a Brio train set.
Ertl toys are pretty hard to break. :) They make toy tractors and construction machinery.
brooke at richardchurch dot com
My son would love these! He's getting Legos and puzzles, drawing supplies and superhero stuff this year. No great ideas here, sorry!
last year I made matching games out of felt and fabric for the kids in my family and they love them.... they held up well! THanks for a wonderful giveaway!
Cute set! I love this fabric line. Thanks for the chance to win!
I think an origami book and papers would be great!
This is really awesome! Thanks for the chance. All time best kids gift is wooden blocks-last year we made our own from fallen birches-the kids loved them!
i made my nephew a crown and a tutu is nice and easy, and an easel is a good one too, with crayons and paints, etc.
for husbands...mine wants a sweater because its cold!
I have a fabulous carrotcake recipe. It's on JAMIE OLIVER's blog
Thanks for the lovely things you made. That fabric is indeed wonderful! My favorite gift for kids is art supplies... for my husband, cheese.
winterwrens at gmail dot com
How about legos? I admit I still love them.LOL
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful prize.
Kind regards from Germany.
So nice! I love the fabric; I can see how it would be hard to cut up.
Well, I'm really bad with presents too. I'm getting my guy a really nice warm bathrobe, because our apartment is freezing in the winter. But for kids, if boys, LEGOs are always a good option, like someone else mentioned. Thanks for the giveaway!
My son always loved Lego and books with pictures that pop out of them.
Great choice of giveaway. I could write my letters in that notebook.
I am giving a boardgame to my daughter this year, as a reminder to me to play WITH her ocassionally. The melissa and doug games seem to hold up well. She's not quite ready for the sandwitch stacker game, but perhaps next year. GREAT GIVEAWAY! my daughter would never let me use the note pad cover--though I may have to insist it is for mommys homework only ;)
My kids have always loved Little People. They've lasted through 2 kids and even the 7 year old will still play with them sometimes :) And for husbands... Mine always likes books or anything Spiderman or Star Wars!
my daughter is 2 1/2 and we got her a kitchen. we're going to get her a geo tracks set as well. she loves trains and loved these when she got to play with her cousins seem like a handful. I'm not at that point in my life, but i definitely act like a kid at times. I'm not good with any of your comment prompts. I don't even bake.
But I guess I would go with kid's toys- Lego's. They're very sturdy, easy to tote around, and are great for the imagination. A bit messy though...
Love the Castle Peeps! Right, gift ideas for kids... we go with things like a wooden marble run (Quadrilla or Haba - even better, you can add to the set in coming years with the add on kits!); good quality games - we recently got Katamino, and Cartagena for our 7 year old, (and I am eyeing off PitchCar) - big hit, and they encourage us all to have family time together. We also love Lego/Duplo/Playmobil.
the little number guys from Nova toys are a hit in my house!
beautiful work=thanks for the giveaway!
I keep finding new favorites in the giveaway offerings!! This is the new front-runner!! I think the best kids gifts are vintage Fisher Price toys. They are so well-made, totally new to kids these days and give mommies and daddies a warm fuzzy feeling! :) Thanks for the great giveaway!
OK, so not actually a cookie recipe, but a bit quicker and just as good...
Soft Peanut Brittle
In the microwave melt together:
1 bag PB chips
1 bag white choco, chips
Add in:
2c. semi-crushed pretzels
1/2 can honey roasted peanuts
Spread on wax paper lined cookie sheet, refrigerate, then break into bite size pieces. Yum!!!
cathydevinney (at) gmail (dot) com
I don't have any ideas for the kids, my husband always likes to try new cologne.
My daughter is turning 5 (tomorrow!) and I made her her own sewing box. She loves to watch me sew and has just started trying it herself. I bought some felt pieces and put them in a Tupperware box with some (sort of dull) needles, (sort of dull) scissors, ribbons, pincushion, ruler, stuffing, and patterns for animals. She will have so much fun sewing beside me! I can't wait to give it to her! It will be a great gift because it was cheap, it will teach a great skill, and she can use her endless imagination!
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
Draw string round play mat/toy bag. Tickle & Hide ( had a give away for one a month or so back. I note she has sold out in her Etsy shop though.
I have been wanting some Castle Peeps forever, now it is impossible to find! As for gifts, I made my son and his friend superhero capes, they looove them! You can applique on pretty much any logo (I did Superman and Spiderman).
My absolute favorite toy for my kids is Magformers-triangles, squares, hexagons, etc. made of plastic with magnets enclosed-securely- building and crashing and building goes on daily with these. I found them first in 2007 and have added several sets-my now 9 yo loves them as much as he did at 5 and my 4yo builds some amazing towers!
There's a little accordion on Amazon that I love!
theredkiwi {at} yahoo {dot} com
Gorgeous fabric!
thanks for sharing with us.
njerijacquline (at)yahoo. com
Tonka trucks are a classic.
musical instruments are great presents year round!!
I bought some older Fisher Price Rescue Heros off of Craig's List for my boys. Gifts don't have to be brand new. Thanks for the chance to win :-) jjjcwebb (at) Hotmail d0t com
I am collection boxes for my 3 kids to build a massive 'what ever they like' in our back yard!! hahahaha...
xo Steph
Me and my boyfriend we like to make little trips as gifts. I got a three day trip to Munich last birthday. And we plan to travel to Dresden.
that would be perfect for my kids!
For Kids I love Lego because it gets never boring and they have something for every age. For my hubby I always buy whisky and he will be happy.
My favorite thing for little girls right now are ruffled backpacks.
Lovely bag and notebook is my favorite,thanks for chance to win it.Kids love to bake so anything for that is great.
Happy holidays!!
We are getting our kids saving accounts this year. Also super hero capes are always good. Legos seem to last too, if you don't mind stepping on them. Thanks for the chance to win.
I saw an idea somewhere (wish I could remember where) for a lego bag that is also a playmat. The mat is a large circle, and it has a drawstring that closes it up into a bag, so the kids play with the legos on the mat, then close up the bag to store the legos. Perfect no mess lego solution. I'm going to make a similar bag, but for cars - making the inside playmat portion of the bag a "race track" complete with a pit area and garage.
These are awesome!
How about building blocks, lego or similar things that can be used in many different ways?
I'm giving my 7 year old a thrifted typewriter and other writing supplies set up as a writing center.
That is so cute!! I got my husband something from
My boys are almost 3 and 5 1/2 and are both getting trio blocks. They are great beginner lego type blocks.
I have no clue about kids or husbands :( I got a mini foosball table at Macy's for $10 a few years ago for a 9-year-old boy cousin, and he did like that... and the husband's difficult, as he tends to get himself whatever he wants, and doesn't wear handmade things. So he's getting a Nook this year, as he keeps borrowing mine (with its pink case)!
That set is adorable. My to-do listing, and note-taking, would be so much more enjoyable with those fabrics looking at me.
I do not know how old your kids are but my boy - he is two - loves LEGO. I am not much of a fan of plastic toys. But they do not break and he actually plays with them. For older kids I guess you could buy Lego.
Other than that I love to buy books for my kids and for my daughter art supplies. She loves painting and drawing. But I guess it really depends on what your kids like?!
Thanks for the chance to win!
ulli-xox [at] web [dot] de
I think puzzles are great kid gifts. Also anything from Melissa and Doug. They have a really fun wooden version of Hangman.
I love your gifts!
Some things I've been thinking for the kids: *Sports equipment (even if it's not the right season) - helmets, scooter, skateboard, baseball bat/glove, hockey sticks
*Disposable (things that get used up and don't clutter forever) gifts like: coloring books, markers, paints
Super cute! I love giving books!
Don't have kids, and I find my husband tough to shop for already. But I found an AWESOME ginger snap recipe a couple of weeks ago.
akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com
Super cute! Love these and could really use them!
These are adorable, thanks for the chance to win!!
lauren51990 at aol dot com
Lovely! Thanks for the chance.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
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