Monday, December 3, 2012

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day is Here!

Hey guys, welcome to our giveaway! We'd love for you to take a look around while you're here. The "What's in a Name?" page will tell you more about us. We have a couple of free quilt patterns available on the quilt along pages and also a whole page full of tutorials!

Up for grabs today we have a stash builder fat quarter bundle

You will receive a fat quarter of each of the fabrics pictured, a nice little rainbow to enhance your stash!

How do you win? Just leave us a comment telling us what's on your holiday wish list. Or give me an idea for a gift for a 52 year old man who likes motorcycling and technology. I drew my step-dad's name in this year's gift exchange and I'm stumped!!

That's it, real simple!

There is also a second bonus entry for our followers, old and new. Just leave a comment telling us you're a follower to be entered for a second chance!

Giveaway is open until 11:59 pm on Friday December 7th. We'll draw a name using and announce the winner on Saturday. If you're a no reply blogger, please be sure to leave an email address so we can contact you if you win.

But wait...there's more!

In celebration of Giveaway Day, We are offering our patterns for sale for 15% off. The sale will run for the duration of the giveaway and the patterns will go back to regular price on Saturday.

Gypsy Dance is available in Bree's Craftsy Store

Mod Pop is available from Julie's Big Cartel store

Links are always available on the sidebar as well.

Thanks for visiting and good luck!


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 586 of 586   Newer›   Newest»
Barbara O. said...

My wishlist: a Bosch Kitchen Machine and a fabric subscription
For your step-dad: lether motorcycle bags (made by you) or utensils bags for his technology thingies (also made by you), have a look round his workshop while he's busy, so you see what he uses and needs.

Anonymous said...

Gift idea for your step dad I'm suggesting a personalized cellphone/Ipad/Laptop sleeve with his initials appliquéd on it maybe? With a matching little zipper case for his headphones (they're always forgotten otherwise) with a clip so they can be easily clipped together. Something more manly then my version for myself but to give you an idea what I mean:

It's useful but also nice and home made?

Thanks a lot for the chance to win! =D

Heidi Staples said...

What a gorgeous stack of fabrics! I'd love...well, a little more fabric for Christmas, of course! :)

charlotte l said...

A Hero Go cam would be a cool gift. It could hook on his motorcycle then he can upload video onto the computer. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anya said...

Fabric is always on my wish list! thanks for the chance!

james and bess said...

great giveaway! i can't help you with gift ideas (sorry!) but at the top of my wish list to get our home buying process speeded up - i'm so ready to be in a home of our own! :)!


rads said...

a silhouette cameo


Housewife59 said...

Why not make him a quick cell phone pouch with belt loops? I have a very simple tutorial on my blog - as I'm a newbie and thrifty sew-er


I want Fabric and embellishments


I am a follower

Katie said...

I want some Out to Sea fabric!

Mary P said...

For someone who likes technology--maybe an ereader cover or an iPad cover?

Joy said...

Shortbread cookies. For reals.

Joy said...


Unknown said...

I have everything I need, so I don't have much of a wish list. Something handmade by my hubby would make me very happy.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower

Sarah said...

My holiday wishlist has a couple of cookbooks on it and some q-snap embroidery frames. That's about it though!

Mary Ann said...

I am hoping for a walking foot for my machine. Maybe search for motorcycle on etsy for some good ideas? I found my father-in-law a John Deere puzzle that way. Good luck!

Mary Ann said...

I am a new follower on Google Reader.

joanold said...

On my holiday list is an extension table for my sewing machine.

Lisa E said...

I don't want much, but my dream gift would be all the colors in the Kona Cotton collection. Good luck with your stepdad's gift.

Gunilla said...

For your stepdad: maybe a magazine about motorcycles or cars? For myself I'd love to recieve a subscription on a quilting magazine!

Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

Hello from Minnesota! It depends on his sense of humor but I ride a motorcycle (a clutchless-shift scooter really) and I love helmet ears, kickstand kritters, and tons of the items under the "Sundry" tab at

Kathy said...

How about chocolate?! winterwrens at gmail dot com

Richard Healey said...

I want a good night sleep. Been sewing like mad trying to finish all that I am behind on.

Richard Healey said...

I am a follower.

Anonymous said...

What about making him a iPad (or whatever he uses) case with motorcycle fabric?

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower.

baukje said...

I love to receive some quiltbooks. My man is also a motorman. I bought some very cute fabric, with lovely ladies on motorcycles, very vintage pictures. I made him a scarf with this fabric, lined it with black.

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

I'm a new follower.

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Santa is bringing me a new sewing machine. Ho Ho Ho! Thanks for a great giveaway~!

Erin P. said...

Good smelling soap, I know wired, but my mother-in-law has this soap that makes her whole kitchen smell good when someone washers their hands and I love it! eatkin85(at)yahoo(dot)com

Jamie B said...

I don't really have much of a wishlist beyond "gift card to fabric store". :)

Jamie B said...

I'm a follower!

Kimberly said...

a kindle maybe. Thanks for the giveaway!

Marilize said...

Thick socks. No jokes. My dad is a biker and he says that that is the best thing since slice bread. Or a bag for bits and pieces that is quite compact? A backbrace is also a good idea.

Good luck!

Unknown said...

I would love a new digital camera this year.

Unknown said...

I stalk you.

Judith said...

I'd like a floor-standing ott light. Winters here are so grey, and my eyes aren't what they once were. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.

Mary E. Stephens said...

If he has a Kindle you might make him a cover with some motorcycle fabric and tuck an Amazon gift card inside.

Anonymous said...

I would love a new computer desk!

Bonnie58 said...

EQ7 software. Thanks for the opportunity on the draw and Merry Christmas to you

Bonnie58 said...

I am a follower.

Melissa Loves Color said...

Any way your step dad would like a quilt? ;)

Debora K said...

I would like to get a die cutting machine for Christmas! audiodropzone(at)gmail(dot)com

CraftyHourMom said...

Great giveaway!! :) I'm hoping for a walking foot for my basic machine!

CraftyHourMom said...

I follow too! :)

Vivian said...

Some people are hard to shop for. Maybe nice motorcycle gloves or a gift certificate to the local motorcycle store. Or goggles.

Dawn said...

Gift cards to my favorite quilt shops is always my wish list. For everything! :) I asked my husband and my son your gift question and this is what I got:
This sounds good to me!
Thanks for a great giveaway. Merry Christmas :)

Dawn said...

I'm a new follower :)

mariebchoi said...

Speakers for my laptop.

ErikaB3 said...

I want an ipad

Kate said...

I just bought my first house, and it has a kitchen big enough to store all the necessities plus some non-essentials. A waffle iron is at the top of my Christmas list! Thanks for the chance to win! akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com

Annie said...

I'm hoping for a new sewing machine. I have a crappy little kenmore I bought at Sears for $80 10 years ago. Hoping to upgrade it a bit!

Mom C said...

If nothing else, a gift card to Amazon or Best Buy. My husband loves gift cards to Home Depot. Thanks.

Kate said...

I would love to sleep in in the mornings for a few days!
steeplechaser29 at yahoo

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

My wish list has one item on it...for my family to come back together. Don't want anything else!
For your gift..if he is a Techo about a quilted pouches for his techo toys?
quiltingnanny(at)yahoo(dot)com (or the google one!)

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

I am a new follower via email. Love that pinwheel rainbow quilt you have!
quiltingnanny(at)yahoo(dot)com (or the google one!)

Lori said...

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance... :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie - I just opened an online only fabric store called Fabric Spot ( based in Ontario, Canada. I was hoping to stock your Mod Pop quilt pattern. Do you sell it wholesale? Please contact me at

P.S. Love this blog!

Libby said...

I would love a new kitchen table.

Kess said...

I am so bad at getting people presents. XD Maybe one of those cool motorcycle statues made of wire and misc motorcycle parts?
Thanks for the giveaway!

Tricia said...

Fabric and quilting books.

Julie said...

I gave my fil a bunch of different types of unpopped popcorn. It was fun to try the different types, they all tasted.

KeriCan said...

Hmmm, I'd like a rocking chair and a replacement for my injured quilter's square and rotary cutting mat.

Kaynik said...

I don't really have anything on my wishlist. I did ask my hubby to rig/build me some sort of table I can use when trying to free motion quilt a larger piece. I explained what I needed it for so I'll see what he comes up with???

Thanks for the chance to win.

ktreve(at) hotmail (dot) com

Mhairi said...

For the present: Does he have a kindle, or an iPad. Why not make him a cover, protector etc from motorcycle fabric? I am sure he would appreciate it, if he already has one, how about a glasses case or a gear bag for his motorcycle tools.

Jessica said...

I really want a craft of the month subscription! And an idea for your step dad can be found at the Apple store!

Danny Heyen said...

I'm hoping for a new iron.

Jasmine1485 said...

Plenty of books on my list this year :)

Tanya said...

Thanks for chance to win. Time to sew.

jeifner said...

Oh, oh! I was running into the same problem with my dad but then we saw this commercial about the Kobalt Multi-Drive Wrench. He thought it was cool and I thought perfect present! It's different because it adjusts itself without having to lock/unlock or screw/tighten it.

jeifner said...

I'm also a FB follower

Anonymous said...

fabrics is on my wishlist!

Anonymous said...

i am a new follower!

Karrie said...

I have boots on my wish list. Thanks for the chance to win :)

Mali said...

I'm a follower!

Mali said...

I would just get some Harley gear and call it done.

Unknown said...

I would give a thermos flask in a knit/quilted cosy maybe with a motocycle-related print! So that when he's in the garage he's warm and trendy!

pinkmalice at mail dot ru

Sarah said...

I'm hoping for A sizzix Big Shot and some dies. Not sure what to suggest for your step-dad - I always have problems thinking of stuff for my dad too!

Deb said...

I would love gift cards to fabric stores. Then, I can shop guilt free!

Deb said...

I am a new follower.

Lindsay said...

I would like new sneakers because mine are worn out and my feet hurt! A new 16 or 20 quart pot would be good, too, since mine keeps burning things.... OK, maybe it is my fault, too. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

thehappycrochetchic said...

i am hoping for some sock yarn!

Amy said...

I'm hoping for a knitting kit from KnitPicks this year!

Wendy said...

I have fabric and books on my list list. No idea for your stepfather, I'm stumped for my dad, brother and husband!

Emma said...

I'm asking for fabric for Christmas :)

Emma said...

I'm a new follower.

Bree said...

How 'bout a subscription to Make magazine? That may give him inspiration for technology related projects.

Leo said...

hmm how about some polishing towels (or whatever they use to polish their bikes). A gas voucher (yeah I know vouchers are not very inovative). I guess he's too old for a safety training weekend, or a first aid course (those cycling accidents really look bad in the news) ...

That's that - I want a a mixer .. I have neough of hand kneading my dough ...

craftykat said...

After a very tough year my wishlist is simple - I just want to spend some quality time with my 2 year daughter before bub number 2 arrives in early Jan

Kim said...

I would love a new sewing machine.

Kim said...

I am a follower on FB.

Macska said...

Gorgeous fabric!

My go-to gift for my father are Bill Bryson books. Good luck present hunting! Men in that age group can be so hard to buy for... :-/

Anonymous said...

Money towards my holiday in Latvia in Feb :)


Deb said...

The go-to gift for someone like that would be a NASA antigravity pen - writes upside down as well as right side up.

sntbosch said...

I'd love a new to me sewing machine.

Ali said...

You could go silly and get a remote control motorcycle, but if nobody has linked to this, it has some good ideas

Thank you for the giveaway!

Mary Beth said...

I really just want some time to myself.

Robyn said...

My step-dad like wine and my dad likes rum. I usually get them something related to those things. Maybe for a motorcycle guy, some cools stickers to go on his helmet, motorcycle accessories (tassels for the handle bars would be hilarious!), leather riding gloves.

Thanks for the giveaway!

karamino said...

I would love to get a tablet PC)

Second Chance Tan said...

I need some new pyjamas so hope someone gets the hints I've been dropping

Pam said...

I would love a fabric gift card this year.

Emma said...

Top of my list is Kate Davies' new knitting book, Colours of Shetland. For a man, when in doubt, I knit socks.

pbs.seams said...

Always fabric!

Kellie Staton said...

A new sewing machine is on my wishlist!

Loree said...

A camera is on my wish list

loreew at pacbell dot net

Tamie said...

I don't really have a wish list unless you know how to create more time. Thanks for participating in the Giveaway Day.

Tamie said...

I'm a happy follower.

Ramona said...

I don't really have a list though of course fabric and anything vintage would be lovely. A gift for your father in law. What about a messenger bag for him to use while he is motorcycling or ipad, tablet protector for him. Cases for any technology is always good.

Kelli said...

I would like to get photoshop or Lightroom so I can improve my photos a little bit more. The photography is getting better, but I could use the editing software to give my pics that extra oomph!

Kelli said...

I'm a new follower!

mab said...

I just want some time to finish my quilting projects! That's my favorite time of Christmas -- my folks watch the kids and I quilt.
Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

Libby said...

I'd love a serger. Hah! Thanks for the chance!

Cherise said...

I'd love lots of fabric! ;) Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to you! :)

Unknown said...

I would love some fabric for my stash!

Cherise said...

I'm already a follower. :)

Peggy said...

I'm a new follower.

Peggy said...

I'd like to get a subscription(s) to a cross stitching magazine.

Lori said...

Fabric is on my wishlist this year!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any big wishes - maybe a fabric store gift card! Good luck with your gift exchange.

prsd4tim2 said...

I don't have a ton on my wish list, but I desperately need a new iron - I dropped mine and now it leaks! Please Santa, all I want for Christmas is an iron - sounds pretty lame, but true!

Debra Lee said...

A treadmill for me!

Ginny said...

I would like to move across country but that is a big wish!

Southern Gal said...

I would love a new camera bag like an Epiphanie or Jo Totes bag.

Sangeetha said...

an ipad

Beth said...

The only thing on my wish list is some free time (I have a 15 month old)

Beth said...

I'm a follower via gfc

Mandinga said...

I want a trip to the beach!
mandiprout80 @ gmail dot com

donnadb said...

How about a sleeve for his iPad or Kindle?

Lobela said...

I'm hoping for a Kindle Fire. My 11 year niece has one and I love it.

Lisa said...

It is always fabric! Maybe more space feeling a little crowded in the kitchen. But that is life and I will be grateful for all I have. Thanks

Lisa said...

If he has a harley motorcycle find a dealer online or where you are they have lots of stuff. Usually my go to is a few new t-shirts.

Rebeckah Austin said...

I have not even made a list this year. everyone has to guess this year :P

Libby said...

I need a bigger cutting mat !

Kimberly said...

It sounds like you drew my step dad! (Except he's 54. ;) ) I did a LOTR book gift set one year. Sorry, that may not help you... On my wish list is a plane ticket to go visit my pregnant sister, and I'm getting it! So excited!!!
Thank you for the giveaway!

Tammy said...

How about some gadget cases, some practical bike accessories like a new cover, polish, my husband used to bike and one year I bought a snood like thing that you wear under your helmet and keeps back of your neck warm whilst riding, I bought at a craft fair and have no idea what it is called so hope that is enough info.

wonderlandbyalyce said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I was wanting a new sewing machine and guess what UPS brought me today? I hope that I fall in love. wonderlandbyalyce(at)gmail(dot)com

KRubin said...

If he has a Kindle or an iPad, maybe you could make him a padded case?

LucyL said...

Leather wallet for him?

I want a big table that I can cut fabrics~!

Ashley said...

My biggest wish is for a homemade quilt from my mom!!

Robin said...

I am hoping to get a sewing table that my machine sits down in. Good luck shopping for a man! Hardest thing ever!!!

Robin said...

I just signed up to follow with email! Your blog is great!

Josiex said...

A hair cut! Looking a bit scraggly at the moment... lol

RyanSarahN said...

On my wish list was a new recliner - and we got it last night! So excited. Thanks for the giveaway!

Meghan said...

Fabric is always on my wishlist!

Laurel09 said...

The book Sunday Morning Quilts is on my wish list (and, of course, fabric). This fabric is particularly beautiful!

EG said...

I'd love a MASSAGE for Christmas!

twelfthzodiac said...

Yikes, good luck with your stepdad's gift!
I am asking for fabric, of course. I hope I get some this year! :)

twelfthzodiac said...

I'm a follower from way back :)

Amy said...

On my wish list is a Cricuit cutter! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Lee said...

I am wishing for some new drawing pencils. I think for the man gift - I made a fabric "wallet" for my husband and boys cars last year to hold all their ins and registration info! they loved them. Does he text? texing Northface gloves are fabulous! happy holidays!

Janet said...

I'm giving my sister and brother-in-law (my draw names) mug rugs. I mean what do you give to older people who make enough money to buy what they need?

Thrifty Finn said...

Silhouette Cameo! Although I'm going to have to buy it myself if I'm ever going to get it.

White Cat Crafts said...

I always want new sewing books for inspiration.

Anonymous said...

My husband is getting either a new food processor or a meat slicer (he wants both) - but he loves to cook and makes a lot of our food (like bacon). If your step dad already has some technology items, could you make him carriers/protectors in manly colors? Thanks for the chance to win!

M-R Charbonneau said...

What about a iPad/Kobo/whatever case made from some funky motorcycle fabric? Thanks for the giveaway!

MC said...

In my experience, men like things they can eat. Perhaps something manly like an exotic kind of meat jerky?

Karen O said...

I would love an actual sewing desk with drawers and a drop down for my machine.

Vairë Gwîr said...

Really cool idea for your gift: a pack of Sugru!

Cecilia said...

How about a digital meat thermometer? Does he cook?
A nice external hard drive? What's your budget?
My holiday wish list? mmm maybe a housekeeper? hahaha

Cecilia said...

GFC following

Nicola said...

How about a book that has something to do with motorbikes? Or, better yet, a giftcard to his regular autoshop/mechanic. They may not do them usually but you could probably organise one sneakily! Unless it can't be a giftcard. Then I dunno :)

Nicola said...

And I'm a new follower!

helen ethel studio said...

A fancy new camera. : )

fern said...

My wish list is short: pinking shears...
as for your step-dad, does he have an e-reader, ipad, etc? If so, you could make him a cover that has a motorcycle on it? Or maybe Harley Davidson makes one? That would combine both and motorcycling... GOOD LUCK!

Eternal Alchemy said...

Ooh, neat fabrics! My wishlist is full of crafty things this year, I hope I get some fabric, actually!

Dede said...

I think a nice pair of cranberry Doc Martens are on my list. As I've told absolutely no one about this, it's highly unlikely that they'll find their way under my tree, though :P . As for motorcycle man? Um...a gift card? That's my go-to when guys stump me for gifts (personally, I love getting gift cards). Thanks so much for the chance at your giveaway!

Dede said...

I'm also, I mean...following you on facebook :) Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Organizational stuffs and furniture is on my wish list. Thanks for the giveaway!

Zizophora said...

Love the red deer fabric especially! I'm wishing for a new sewing machine; mine is making death noises. Thanks for the fun give-away!

The Thompsons said...

Oh my gosh- good luck! I think guys are so hard to shop for. My dad and brother just go out and get what they want, so it's hard to know what to get them.

The Hungry Crafter said...

Chaps? Kidding! I'm making food gifts for all the men on my list this year...

Angie said...

Hmmm, my wish list this year has on it a robe, marmalade fabric, and a new pair of Uggs. My birthday is in January, so if I don't get those things, there's always a second chance! ;) Thanks, and good luck with your father-in-law's gift!

Shannon said...

my holiday list is topped by a new watch!

HRH-DMK said...

My holiday wish list is full of quilting books and sewing supplies! Cheers, Diana (Toronto Canada).

nicolesender said...

On my wish list is a kindle fire.

nicolesender said...

gfc follower: nicolesender

Gayla said...

a device similar to Kindle Fire
freesignge (AT) gmail COM

Anonymous said...

I am wishing for slippers, a dressing gown, and more beautiful handmade earrings!

Amy said...

I have a sewing machine on my wish list :)

GeeGee said...

wish list includes a sewing class!

Kritta22 said...

How about a pillowcase with motorcycles on it??!

Stephanie said...

i follow via gfc

Stephanie said...

Candy and nuts?

Ellie Roberts said...

Fabric is top of my list! Make him a t-shirt quilt!

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