Ok, technically it's been spring for awhile now but if you go by how long it took me to make this quilt, then spring has been on hold for just about a year now. Oops :)
So I'm finally no longer On the Road to Spring, but I'm there!
I've had the top put together for this one for quite awhile. I even knew what I wanted to do for the backing right away, which is rare for me. I usually take forever to plan the backs of my quilts!
So why did it take me so long?
Well, like a lot of people out there, the economy and job situations affected our family. My husband's income is our only income and when his boss suddenly didn't have any work for him last summer, we were left without a couple of paychecks.
So my creativeness had to be put on hold until he had work and we had money to spend for things other than groceries and diapers.
He stuck it out with his employer for as long as possible but when he was left without work again in March my husband had to make a tough decision to leave the place he had been working for the past 5 years and look for more steady work.
Thankfully he found a great job right away and with his employer's blessing he was able to start without having to put in a 2 week notice.
This new job is taking some getting used to since he has so much work now. He's gone from being home by 5:30 every day and having days off here and there (because of there not being anything for him to do) to working until 7:00 every night and all day Saturday too.
I really miss him but at least I get more guilt free sewing time! It always helps to look on the bright side right?
Back to the quilt! I pieced the binding on this one too. I had lots of leftover fabrics from the top and well, I've learned how to get really crafty in the money saving department lately ;)
One of my favorite parts of this one is how the blacks pop. I NEVER use black when I sew but it just felt right this time.
I'm loving how my quilts look hanging over this fence rail. I'll have to try to refrain from doing this too often though, wouldn't want to bore y'all :)
I'm going to link up to Fabric Tuesday this week since I finally remembered to!

I was just thinking the same thing: those touches of black are so effective! I love this combination of colours - it is so soft and pretty! Good news about your husband's work situation. I know what that's like!
Very lovely quilt finish, Julie! I love how you pieced the back together, I like the striped effect very much. Glad to hear your husband has found a position with more work for him, best of luck!
Love the colors you chose, especially the black! = )
i love the pieced binding :) beautiful quilt!
I love the color combo on this!
The colours are very spring like. Congratulations on your finished work.
really pretty!
Georgeous quilt! The black makes it look extra beautiful.
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